Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo Monument

Drove over to Point Loma in San Diego, California today to see the Cabrillo National Monument and take some photos to document my experience. Prior to going here I knew absolutely nothing about Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo and his monument. Now I know that Cabrillo, a navigator sailing under the flag of Spain, landed at San Diego. Stepping ashore on Ballast Point, he was the first European to land on the west coast of what is now the United States of America.

Photos describing about Cabrillo and the monument:

Photos of the Cabrillo monument itself:

Photos of the view of the surrounding area:

The plaque reads:
In homage to the Spanish expedition composed of the ships San Salvador, Victoria, and San Miguel that arrived at San Diego on 28th of September 1542 under the command of Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo who took possession of these lands on behalf of His Catholic Majesty Charles King of Spain opening the maritime route that led to the subsequent development of California. The Spanish Navy September 28, 2003.

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