Tacos El Gordo

Ever since I arrived here in San Diego, California people have told me that San Diego has great Mexican food and tacos. So I decided to give it a try. A couple people recommended that I go to Tacos El Gordo because they are the closest you can get to tacos in Tijuana, Mexico. Upon entering Tacos El Gordo I noticed there were about 3 or 4 different lines and I wasn’t sure which one to get in, so I asked. The cashier explained to me that there is different types of meat and to get into the line of the taco you would like to eat. After getting your food, then come and pay for it. After paying $2.50 per carne asada taco, I found a seat to see what they tasted like. The taco had spicy meat and it was pretty good and tasty, but they were a little small. I didn’t think they were quite worth the $2.50 per taco, but it was good to have a new experience and give them a try.

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