Author's posts
Unlocking Career Success: The Degree Dilemma and Beyond
After high school, the majority of students have their sights set on attending college to further their education. But have you ever wondered what an associate’s degree truly offers? This question piqued my curiosity, leading me to seek insights from seasoned business professionals who had already obtained their degrees. I wanted to understand the real …
Despite the Score the Washington Redskins Beat the Dallas Cowboys
I don”t care what that final score was, the Washington Redskins beat the Dallas Cowboys. I”ll do a little recap for you. The first quarter (to set up Dallas”s first touchdown) Washington was called for a pass interference which was clearly offensive pass interference on Dallas. The Dallas receiver pushed the Washington cornerback down. That”s …
Is Reverse Racism Culturally Accepted?
The subject of the “race card” has been way over played time and time again. Its probably because everybody is sick of hearing about how 20 year old punk kids were repressed for so many years simply because they were black. As well all know, that’s bullshit! That is just an angle that people know …
Is Your Glass Half Full or Half Empty?
Have you ever heard somebody say, “Is your glass half full or half empty?” I was in Okinawa in 2000, when I went to Airman Leadership School. It was a management school for the United States Air Force. The school seemed like a bunch of propaganda to “re-blue” you for the Air Force. In other …
Redskins Downed by the Giants
On Sunday the Washington Redskins were defeated by the New York Giants 20 – 14. During this game Mark Brunell left the game with a pulled muscle and throwing 1 interception. Then the infamous Patrick Ramsey stepped into the game and threw 3 more interceptions. All in all the Redskins had 7 turnovers. That is …
Redskins Down the Buccaneers
The Washington Redskins downed the Tampa Bay Buccaneers 16 to 10 in season opener. During this game Clinton Portis rushed for 148 yards to include a 64 yard touchdown on his first carry. Tampa Bay scored their only touchdown off a fumble from a sloppy handoff between Mark Brunell and Clinton Portis. All in all …
Insomnia Problem Solved
I figured out how to solve the problem of not being able to sleep. I”ve learned that if I drink a glass of milk it makes me tired so I have an easier time falling asleep. That means no more sleeping pills. I guess dairy products help make you relax. Either way, problem solved.
Apple releases the G5 iMac
Apple has really done it this time by releasing the new iMac with the G5 processor. This computer packs a lot of punch all into one little sleek design. I really like this design because it saves a whole lot of space, but the shear power of this computer is mind blowing. From what I’ve …
Washington Redskins Down the Miami Dolphins
The Washington Redskins beat the Miami Dolphins 17 to 0 to put Washington 2 -1 in the preseason. During this game Mark Brunell passed completed 7 of 9 passes for 79 yards. While the Redskins running game was lead by Clinton Portis who had 37 yards and Rock Cartwright who finished with 33 yards. All …
Bear guzzles Rainier Beer and Passes Out
This is some real news here. I found this article on CNN today. They hold all rights and copyrights to the material they have written, but this story is one that you have to read. It is exactly quoted off CNN as follows: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 Posted: 9:12 PM EDT (0112 GMT) SEATTLE, Washington …
Redskins Downed by the Pathers
The Washington Redskins lost to the Carolina Panthers 23 to 20 in overtime. The Redskins started Patrick Ramsey, which I believe I said he needs to be the 3rd string quarterback as he proved once again as he only completed 4 of 11 passes for 62 yards and 1 interception. Mark Brunell took over for …
What do you do when you can’t sleep? I have managed to go through a big bottle of sleeping pills that I’ve been taking for the last couple months. It seems I can’t get on a regular sleeping schedule and I usually end up staying awake all night. Then as the sun comes up I …
Updated: University of Hawaii’s Best Sport
It seems that this particular game I watched on T.V. was an old telecast from last year. Being that I come from the midwest I’m not a fan of the Western Athletic Conference WAC sports. Last year I started watching the University of Hawaii Women’s volleyball. They did pretty good last year. Tonight was the …
Unexplained Experience
This weekend I had an unexpainable experience. I went into my bathroom to wash my hands. When I turned around to wipe my hands off with a towel I noticed there were about 7 drops of blood running down the wall at about 5 foot high off the floor. I looked around to see if …
Republican / Democrat, What is the Difference?
With the voting season coming I would like to share a few thoughts with you. First off I would like to say that I don’t pressure anybody into voting. The reason behind this is because it is a right and who am I to tell you what rights you should concern as your highest priority. …
Do You Ever Feel Like a Stupid, Dummy?
Well it seems that I suck at taking tests. Today I went back for my 3rd retake of the Microsoft 70-290 exam. I was previously showing progress, but this time I was tired going into take the exam and it showed. I couldn’t think straight if my life depended on it. That’s what happens when …
Do Presidential Candidate Rallies Really Help? Use the Money More Productively.
Since this is an election year there are going to be a few stories about the upcoming election. To go along with that there is one thing that really boggles my mind. First to kind of hit on the topic, I would like to ask if you have ever been sitting at home contemplating which …
4th of July, 2004
This 4th of July I was planning on taking it easy. I was planning on washing the car, giving the dog a bath, and just relaxing. Well it seems things did not work out like that, but in a good way. This year, at about noon a phone call was received asking to come out …
Do You Ever Get the Idea People Just Like to Screw With You?
Today I had to complete my vehicle registration because I received notice of it in the mail. I could have mailed it in, however I had to update some information so submitting it by mail would not have been suffient. Upon arriving at the city hall there was a line like 3 miles long. I …
CompUSA Never Ceases to Amaze
Today I was scheduled to take the Microsoft 70-290 exam. I went over to the CompUSA testing center and went in to take the test. When I got there I found out the test proctor’s husband had a stroke and she was unable to give the test. You would think CompUSA would have planned for …
Shaping the Future for the Next Generation of Terrorists?
By what is happening in Iraq, Afghanistan, Isreal, and other countries, is this shaping the future for the next generation of terrorists? Look at this simple scenario. Lets say a kid has his father killed while fighting for what he believes is right. Now this kid grows up with a lot of rage and fury …
Spandex – A Privledge Not a Right!
I was in K-Mart the other day and I saw this fat lady in the store wearing some short shirt that did not cover her fat belly and spandex shorts. First off I would like to say anytime a woman’s belly is bigger than her breasts, that is not a good thing. Second of all …
Does a Certain Song Bring Back That Certain Memory?
The other day I heard the song by Cher – Believe. Normally I wouldn’t really pay attention to a bad knockoff of techno like this, except it made me start thinking of the first place I heard it. The first time I heard this song was in Florida. I remember it vividly because I was …
Atkins Diet is No Answer for Lack of Self Discipline
Everybody from McDonalds to Subway seems to be jumping on the bandwagon for this Atkins diet. Atkins may be a good diet, but for most fatasses out there it will not be the answer to getting slim as opposed to getting off your fat ass and doing a little exercise. A sucessful mathmatical equation to …
Business Trip
I recently have arrived home from a business trip. This trip was to Seattle. The area around Seattle was nice. The forests were gorgeous, but the weather was a little too cold for me. Also it was cloudy all the time there. Other than that the business trip was a success. Other business associates and …
Grey Area With Copyright Infringement
I’ve been thinking about this a lot because I don’t want to run into trouble. Lets say I create an image for a kid that looks like Nemo from Walt Disney’s movie “Finding Nemo” and somebody else sees this image and says I stole it from Disney. Is that considered copyright infringement? Especially since no …
Recently Purchased iMac
Well, I finally broke down and bought an iMac. I decided to purchase it after my previous computer finally kicked the bucket. I was fed up with troubleshooting my computer at home so I decided to splurge and go ahead and buy the iMac. So far I like everything about it. The graphics are fantastic, …
Sifting Through Bookstore Bullshit
I went to the bookstore today and I was looking through the computer books. The thing I noticed when I was trying to find the right book was that there are a million books and half of them are about the same things, but just written by different people who are asking way too much …
High School Reunion
I recently received an e-mail from a girl I knew in high school. She was trying to get updated contact information and trying to find out if I’ll come to my high school reunion. It was neat to see some of the names listed on the contact list. She also sent out this e-mail saying, …