Category: Education

Networking Protocols and Models

[Abstract] The purpose of this document is to explain different networking protocols and models by explaining what is needed to upgrade a network from a bus topology to a star topology. Also included within this document is information about a network design to allow for maximum users with maximum throughput for 100Mbps to the customer’s …

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Network Design Scenario

                                                                                            [Scenario] Schaumburg Elementary is a four-year-old, single-level building with …

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Competitive Intelligence and Information Systems

                                                               [Abstract] The purpose of this document is to compare ethical issues that may or may not exist with using an information system, which is …

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Problem Solving Strategies and Management Decision-making

[Abstract] The purpose of this document is to identify and implement problem solving strategies and management decision-making. Also included within this document is the answer to the questions, ‚ÄúWhat impact would decision-making styles have on the design of information systems that support decision making in international businesses?‚Äù [Content] There are a few different decision making …

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Untrained Personnel Developing Information System

[Abstract] The purpose of this document is to provide a basic knowledge of what types of problems an untrained user may face with trying to develop an information system. Also included within this document is information about different case tools and how these case tools can aid in reducing cycle time and increase quality. [Content] …

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Business Ethics With Employees

[Abstract] The purpose of this document is intended to provide an answer to what ethical may arise based upon an employee devising a way to make their job better, if any at all. Also included within this document is a basic understanding of why it is important to share knowledge and information at the workplace. …

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Online Auction Ethics

[Abstract] The purpose of this document is intended to provide an answer to what moral or ethical constraints should be placed upon users of online auctions, if any at all. [Content] When the question arises of what types of constraints should be put in place to prevent users of online auctions from putting immoral, unethical, …

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Information System Controls

[Abstract] The purpose of this document is intended to look at a course registration system within a university and argue which controls should be inputted into that system to ensure the system is not being abused. Also included within this document is an argument for which controls should be put into place to ensure students …

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Computer Literate Executives and Information Systems

[Abstract] The purpose of this document is to provide an argument to the question, “As more computer- and information system-literate employees move into executive positions, will executive support systems be needed? Why or why not?” The second part of this document answers the questions, “What special knowledge, other than that found in a course catalog, …

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University LAN

[Abstract] The purpose of this document is to provide an increased or basic knowledge of how a university with all aspects of their university connected via the local area network (LAN) would change the educational process. Also included in this document are some examples of how a student can access the school‚Äôs information system and …

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Estimating Business Investment

[Abstract] The purpose of this document is to provide an increased or basic knowledge of how automating the business by using computers and applications has advantages and disadvantages. Also included within this document is a plan to estimate the return on investment for automating the business, as well as, a determination of automating the business …

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Computers and Functions

[Abstract] The purpose of this document is to provide an increased or basic knowledge of a computer and what types of functions are necessary to be present in order for a piece of hardware to be considered a computer. [Content] A computer is a piece or multiple pieces of hardware that have the ability to …

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Information Systems Within Business

[Abstract] The purpose of this document is to provide an increased or basic knowledge of businesses and types of employees within business. Also included within this document are types of information systems within a business. Finally a determination is made if the employee‚Äôs position could be replaced by an information system. [Content] Within many aspects …

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E-Tail and Retail Stores

[Abstract] The purpose of this document is to provide an increased or basic knowledge and a comparison of online and retail stores. Also included in this document is a comparison of how buying a product online differs from buying a product from a retail store and which products are better suited to be sold online …

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Information Systems and Users

[Abstract] The purpose of this document is to provide an increased or basic knowledge of how users interact with information systems by utilizing input and output devices, computer performance factors, network performance issues, and correlating them to the online virtual campus. [Content] When viewing the American Intercontinental University online virtual campus system as an information …

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Network Topologies

Different network topologies have different advantages and disadvantages. A bus network topology is nice because it is simple and cheap, however it has its limitations. On a bus topology you are limited to the number of hosts you can place on a single bus. A ring topology can be beneficial because it provides redundancy, however …

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Better Solution to Windows

Even though Bill Gates is wealthy and has had a proven success with Microsoft Windows, Windows is not the best product on the market. Excellent marketing has made Microsoft more successful, more so than being a quality product. Windows users are willing to accept the flaws with Windows due to the ease of use. Many …

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Polynesian Cultural Center

Drove over to the north shore on Oahu, Hawaii today and went to the polynesian cultural center located in Laie. This place is a fun place to learn about Polynesia and learn about what makes up Polynesia and where the people originally came from and what is unique about each culture and what makes them …

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Home Wireless Network Users Need to Properly Secure Their Networks From Threats

In recent years, technology has been rapidly developing. This development introduced us to the Internet, commercial networks, and even home networks to move towards using wireless networks. In America, home networks are the vast majority of users on the Internet. Since home networks are the majority of users on the Internet, you will learn about …

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Homeowners in Hawaii Need to Maximize Use of Solar Energy

As many people in Hawaii know, there is an abundance of sunlight in the state. This paper is going to explain to you why homeowners in Hawaii should maximize use of solar energy. First, this article will cover some of the reasons why many homeowners currently do not utilize our largest natural energy source, followed …

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Unlocking Career Success: The Degree Dilemma and Beyond

a woman smiling for the camera

After high school, the majority of students have their sights set on attending college to further their education. But have you ever wondered what an associate’s degree truly offers? This question piqued my curiosity, leading me to seek insights from seasoned business professionals who had already obtained their degrees. I wanted to understand the real …

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CompUSA Never Ceases to Amaze

Today I was scheduled to take the Microsoft 70-290 exam. I went over to the CompUSA testing center and went in to take the test. When I got there I found out the test proctor’s husband had a stroke and she was unable to give the test. You would think CompUSA would have planned for …

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Communications Systems Controlled Journeyman Course

DISN Data Services Course

While in the Air Force I was sent to the DISN Data Services Course. Here is the manual from that Air Force training.

Air Force 5 Level B SetTech Control Career Development Course Volume 2

Click here to download the full text The 3C251 Career Development Course (CDC) Volume 2. Communications Systems

Air Force 5 Level Tech Control Career Development Course Change Supplement

Click here to download the complete text.

Air Force 5 Level Tech Control Career Development Course Volume 4

Click here to download the full text Air Force 3C251 Tech Control Career Development Courses Volume 4. Computer Fundamentals and Digital Devices.

Air Force 5 Level Tech Control Career Development Course Volume 3

Click here to download the full text Air Force 3C251A Tech Control Career Development Courses Volume 3. Modulation and Multiplexing.

Air Force 5 Level Tech Control Career Development Course Volume 2

Click here to download complete text The 3C251 Career Development Course (CDC) Volume 2. Soldering and Electrical Connectors

Air Force 5 Level Tech Control Career Development Course Volume 1

Click here to download the full text The 3C251 Career Development Course (CDC) Volume 1. Founding Principles of Communications Electronics

Air Force 3 Level Tech Control Career Development Course Volume 3

Click here to download the full text Air Force 3C231 Career Development Courses (CDC) Volume 3. Technical Control Facilities.