Category: Events
Numi Tea
I’m not much of a tea drinker, but a coworker recommended it so I thought I would expand my horizons. My first impressions is that It was pleasant, peaceful and didn’t have a bad taste or odor and it kind of made me feel warm and cozy. I wasn’t quite sure how long I should …
A Golden Globe Speech for the Snowflakes
There is nothing like using a Golden Globe acceptance speech to use it as a platform to represent all snowflakes out there. The speech talked about not putting up walls, however Hollywood does exactly that to protect their precious awards ceremonies. He said we must resist at the ballot box and in our everyday lives. …
Customs and Boarder Patrol San Diego
With the caravan that migrated from Central America for being supposedly oppressed or fleeing corruption, but they managed to wave flags of their country and have camera crews document the entire journey, I believe it was either a George Soros or Democratic Party sponsored caravan. This political stunt has been in response to President Trump …
Hoover Dam
While in Nevada I drove over to the Hoover Dam to take a tour and learn more about the dam that tamed the Colorado river and provides water and electricity to the desert south west of the United States. It was certainly a sight to see and interesting to learn about all that went into …
Great Things About Japan
#1. Strike in Japan #2. Drink Cans Have Names Written In Braille On The Top #3. Japanese Fans Stayed Behind After The FIFA World Cup 2014 Match To Help Clean Up #4. There Are Baby Seats Attached To The Wall In Most Bathrooms #5. Here Is Some Of The Hospital Food I Ate #6. You …