Category: Events

Japanese Characters

While walking around a Japanese store I came across these characters. Japanese seem to love their women with big breasts, dressed scantily, or dresses as a school girl while they want the men to look cool and carry samurai swords.

Plush Japanese Animal Pillow

While at a Japanese store I found these plush animal pillows that were soft as can be, however after spinning the pillow around I noticed the pillow had a butthole stitched right on there. I’m not exactly sure why that is necessary, but it made me laugh so I snapped a photo.

Revenge Parking

How many times has somebody parked in an inconsiderate manner where you wanted to send them a clear message. Here are the results of other people who feel the same way.

California Panhandling Solution

California certainly has its fair share of panhandlers. In east county of San Diego there are actually signs that say not to support panhandlers and to go online to help instead. The webpage to support is

Funny Marketing Signs

Sign in a shoe repair store: “We will heel you, We will save your sole, We will even dye for you.” A sign on a blinds and curtain truck: “Blind man driving.” Sign over a gynecologist’s office: “Dr. Jones, at your cervix.” In a Podiatrist’s office: “Time wounds all heels.” At an Optometrist’s Office: “If …

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The “F” Word

Quite frankly; the little four letter “F” word can be the only word in the English language that accurately describes some situations… The word is ‘fear’ of course!

Divorce Hearing in Italy

A man and his wife were getting a divorce at a local court in Italy, but the custody of their children posed a problem. The mother jumped to her feet and protested to the judge that since she had brought the children into this world, she should retain custody of them. The man also wanted …

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Where is This Found in the Training Manual?

This South African cop probably missed a few training days.

What is in a Name?

Driving along highway 15 between Baker and Barstow there is an very interesting road named, “Zzyzx Road.” This road runs in a north-south direction and goes to the Mojave National Preserve.

Tesla Charging Station

While making a stop in Primm, Nevada I happened to spot some Tesla charging stations. This is pretty cool because I have not seen any of these before.

Street Performers in Las Vegas

No matter if you are in Hollywood, California or enjoying the Freemont experience in Las Vegas there are a wild array of different types of street performers who are all looking to make some extra cash. Many just dress up as familiar characters from movies, others dress up as anime characters, while others just choose …

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The Fremont Street Experience at Night

Walking down Fremont street in Las Vegas is what they like to call the Fremont Experience. This experience has it all. It has everything from lights, drinks, casinos, street performers, zip lines, legal drugs, stores, gambling, live music, a large array of lights overhead, food, gold nuggets, hotels, it has everything. The only question is, …

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They Call Him Flipper

They call him Flipper, Flipper under the sea. They call him flipper…Well actually I don’t know if Flipper was actually his name, but it sure was fun watching this dolphin swim by as he was leisurely swimming around the tank at Sea World in San Diego, California. Even better yet it was really fun to …

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Killer Whales

A Moment in Time With a Beluga Whale

While at Sea World San Diego, I had a moment in time where I was truly amazed. It was early in the morning and nobody else was around. While watching the beluga whales one stopped and appeared to look at me and opened it’s mouth, almost like a smile, and then it ducked under and …

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Meet the Eagle Ray

This is an interesting character as a member of the stingray family. Unlike stingrays that lay on the bottom of the ocean the eagle rays tend to live in open ocean.

Moray Eel

Went to Sea World recently and saw some of these moray eels. I’m glad I get to see them in sea world because this is about as close as I want to be to one. I don’t think I would want to see one of these in their natural habitat.

Hawaii Lava Boat Tour

Every time the lava hits the ocean more shoreline is created for the Big Island of Hawaii.

Novo Brazil Brewing Company

Stopped by the Novo Brazil Brewing company to check out what they’ve got. It was a pretty interesting setup inside of a warehouse.

The Dark Side is Watching

Do you ever feel like someone from the dark side is watching you? This happened to me today when I was stopped at a traffic light. I looked over and Darth Vader was staring back at me.

High Street

For all the pot heads, occasional smokers, or midnight tokers out there here is a street in La Mesa, California just for you.

Plant That Looks Like Coral

Here is a plant that is a succulent, but it almost looks like coral is growing on land. It is real interesting the way the light shines through it and makes it look different colors.

Hickam Air Force Base

On Hickam Air Force base back by the channel to Pearl Harbor and near the Officer’s club there is the Missing Man Memorial that honors those who have lost their lives in battle.

Lobbing Grenades

In case you haven’t ever seen anybody ever throwing a grenade here is someone on a range doing just that.

Japanese Dessert Store

What kind of building is this? Is it a temple? Perhaps an orphanage? Guess again. It’s actually a Japanese dessert shop located in Kamakura.

Rice Fields in Japan

If you haven’t ever seen any rice fields or how rice is grown it is pretty interesting because Japan does not have a lot of farm land so they grow rice wherever they can. Here are a couple fields I happened to snap a couple photos of as I was driving by.

Going Solar

More and more businesses, organizations, schools, and people are installing solar panels and why not? Not only do the solar panels produce power by converting light into electricity, but they also provide shade and lower your bills and if there are enough of them, they can even produce a profit. With people looking for alternative …

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Fortune Cookie Fortune

I had a fortune cookie that had this fortune in it that stated, “You have a keen sense of humor and bring out the best in others.” I’m not so certain that is an actual fortune as much as it is just a statement. I think I got cheated.

Japanese Dragon Statue

In the USA people will decorate their lawns with yard gnomes, bird baths, and other decorations. In Japan here is a dragon statue.

Statue in Japan

Here is a little statue in Japan.