Category: Events

Destroyed Bayji Bridges in Iraq

Arial view from an attack helicopter of the destroyed Bayji bridges in Iraq.

Bazaar in Iraq

Here are some photos of a bazaar in Iraq. It shows some of the stuff that was being bartered.

Arial View of Baghdad, Iraq

Here are a couple arial view photos of Baghdad and one of a palace in Iraq.

Sights Around Enoshima

I had a very pleasant time walking around Enoshima and taking all the sights, views, and food that there was. The small island gives you some really nice panoramic views, as well as, having the opportunity to take in the local Japanese culture.

Clash Royale Victory Over Donald Trump

Look who I just beat in Clash Royale. Looks like Donald Trump needs to practice a bit more to get up to my level.

Water Dragon

Walking around at Enoshima, Japan I came across this dragon water spout. I’ve never seen anything like this before and thought it was pretty darn cool.

Arachnophobia in Japan

While walking around Kamakura I saw these spiders and thought they looked pretty cool. I hope if you’re going to visit Japan you don’t have arachnophobia, otherwise that could be problematic.

Kamakura Station Manhole Cover

Japan isn’t just a country with millions upon millions of people. There is a lot of art and beauty everywhere you look. It is cool to see the smallest details of art such as this manhole cover near the Kamakura Station.

Shrine in Japan

Some of the great beauties in Japan are the shrines and temples. Here is a shrine seen at Enoshima, Japan. I like the way you go through the doorway up the path to the shrine or temple. This is kind of gives the effect of walking on the path to enlightenment.

Equipment Graveyard in Afghanistan

Can you guess what kind of equipment this is?

Nancy Pelosi at the State of the Union Address

What was it that was stuck in Nancy Pelosi’s teeth during the State of the Union address? Was it a piece of chicken? Maybe a piece of spinach? Maybe she’s practicing tying a cheery stem with her tongue? Perhaps a piece of popcorn? Whatever it was she spent a great deal of time during the …

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National Space Development Agency of Japan Communications and Broadcasting Engineering Test Satellite

Click here to download the full NASDA Communications and Broadcasting Engineering Test Satellite text This is a pamphlet I picked up at the National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA) museum when I was in Okinawa, Japan. This pamphlet is about the Communications and Broadcasting Engineering Test Satellite (COMET) satellite.

National Space Development Agency of Japan H-IIA Launch Vehicle

Click here to download PDF file of the NASDA H-IIA Launch Vehicle So this is actually really cool. Around 1999 or 2000 I was in Okinawa, Japan and between Okinawa City and Nago there is a National Space Development Agency of Japan site that has some huge antenna dishes. I stopped to check them out …

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Zoo Med

I received a sticker in the mail for Zoo Med. The funny thing is that I’ve never bought anything from these guys and I don’t ever remember requesting a sticker. If you have a pet or a reptile hopefully this can help you.

Rickshaws in Japan

In Japan you may see rickshaws pulling people around as a means of transportation. They look like a fun way to see the area.

Elephants in Thailand

You can find elephants all over in Thailand.

Thailand Tuk Tuk

In Thailand they have these three wheeled covered vehicles called “tuk tuks.” Riding in one of these vehicles can be quite an experience and give you a different perspective. Despite their small size you can fit 3 people comfortably or 8 people if you are trying to turn it into a clown car. I once …

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The Mirage Las Vegas

Walked down the Las Vegas strip to the Mirage hotel and casino.

Bellagio Hotel and Casino Las Vegas

Walking down the Las Vegas strip I saw the Bellagio hotel and casino. This was one of the hotels that was robbed in the movie “Ocean’s 11.” I even stayed around and watched one of the water fountain shows.

Caesar’s Palace Las Vegas

Does the real Caesar live here?

Bally’s Casino Las Vegas

The last time I was in Las Vegas I went by Ballys Casino to see if I could see the Incredible Burt Wonderstone, but unfortunately he wasn’t there.

Headstand on the Beach

California is full of interesting people. Here is one instance of a person who was walking down the beach and then for no apparent reason stopped and started doing a headstand. He stayed in that position for at least 15 minutes. Then he took a paddle board out into the ocean and started doing a …

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Southern California Style

When it comes to Southern California there is a certain style about the cars most likely due to a large hispanic population. You can find anything from Chevy Imapala’s that are tricked out to cars like this Monte Carlo that has hydraulics and a pretty smooth paint job.

Women’s Empowerment

I went hiking in Los Angeles and Adidas was sponsoring a women’s empowerment event.  I don’t know much about women’s empowerment, but from what I could see the majority of women were wearing yoga pants and they kept getting in lines after they made their Adidas purchase at these different stations.  The different stations would …

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Las Vegas Mural

While in Las Vegas, Nevada I went to check out the Pawn Stars shop and right across the street were some pretty nice murals. The paintings showed Las Vegas Route 66, The Beatles, the Sands, The Dunes and the Flamingo. I thought it looked pretty cool and since someone went through all the trouble to …

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A Date Which Will Live in Infamy…

The last time I was in Washington D.C. I snapped this photo at the World War II Monument looking towards the Washington Monument to recognize the date of the attack on Pearl Harbor.

No Ducking Around

While eating this duck came up and looked like he was hoping I would feed it, but instead I just snapped a photo.

La Jolla Children’s Pool and Harbor Seals

Not far from downtown La Jolla is a children’s pool that has been permanently taken over by harbor seals.  If you are ever in the area it is nice to go watch the seals and take in the coastal area. You will be able to find lots of things to see around there. Anything from …

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Ocean Beach Mural

When hanging out in Ocean Beach you’ll notice different murals and graphic artists paintings. Here is one nice one that you can find painted on a wall when heading into town.

Surfing at La Jolla

While in La Jolla in San Diego, California I watched as surfers were catching some waves just south of the the children’s pool.

Flowers in Las Vegas

While in Las Vegas I happened to spot some interesting flowers, here are the photos.