Category: Events

Awesome Paint Job on a Garage Door

While in Los Angeles I passed by a house that had their garage door painted to look like several book cases. Although I wasn’t sure if they are trying to identify as being nerdy, maybe they are professors, perhaps a bookworm, or just to be different. No matter what their reasoning, I thought it looked …

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Border X Brewery Event

Went to an event at the Border X Brewery in San Diego where there were cool cars, bikes, street artwork, and beauties. This event took place in a very predominant hispanic part of town in Barrio Logan. At this event I think I was the token white guy there. Here are some photos of the …

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Do Not Block Fire Door

While I was parking at Target I happened to notice this scene and couldn’t help, but laugh because of the stupidity. It is actually kind of scary if you think about people needing to get out of the building in the event of an emergency, but some brilliant person put a big tree in the …

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GoPro Panoramic View Behind Hollywood Sign

Here is a panoramic view taking behind the Hollywood sign with a GoPro camera.

For Those Born Between 1925-1955

To all the kids who survived the 1930’s, 40’s, and 50’s: First, we survived being born to mothers who may have smoked and/or drank while they were pregnant.They took aspirin, ate blue cheese dressing, tuna from a can, and didn’t get tested for diabetes. Then, after that trauma, we were put to sleep on our …

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Sea World Cards

When you go to Sea World in San Diego, California you may receive an entry card like one of these.

Stickers Around Griffith Park

While hiking up Mount Lee in Griffith Park I noticed some stickers stuck to street signs and guardrails and other things. I took the opportunity to post a few stickers myself. Maybe this will drive more traffic to the website. If not, it was still a fun hike.

Behind the Hollywood Sign

Went hiking up Mount Lee to get some photos from behind the Hollywood sign. Last time I did this I parked near the Griffith Observatory and ended up hiking 12 miles round trip and I didn’t have water so I was dehydrated and tired as all can be. I knew I wasn’t going to make …

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A Bit of Lost History

A bit of lost history captured by Kodak… Cowboys around the Hoodlum Wagon, Spur Ranch, Texas, 1910. Hoodlum Wagon was usually driven by the “Hood” — the wrangler who watched over the horse herd at night. Judging by the saddle style, this unidentified cowboy was working in the late 1870s or 1880s. In his holster, …

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California is a Sanctuary State

Watched NBC news tonight only to learn that California has become a sanctuary state. This is not a big surprise since California is probably the biggest liberal state in the union, however California is all about the money and I hope that they will lose federal funding because of this. Whenever a state puts criminals …

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Jury Duty

I received a summons in the mail to go to jury duty. On the day of jury duty I had to go to the Hall of Justice, which sounded really cool. Who knows what superhero you might get to meet? As I walked in and passed the elevators it was engraved into the wall, “WITH …

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Bird Photos at Lindo Lakes

Went to Lindo Lakes near Santee, California and while there wasn’t much to look at around there, but I was able to get some nice photos of some birds and waterfowl.


While waiting outside in Japan I heard a noise and happened to look up to see this cicada in a tree. Luckily I had my camera and was able to snap a couple photos of it. If you haven’t ever seen a cicada before they are a pretty wicked look insect.

Spinning Coaster

Have you ever had the urge to ride a roller coaster on the 2nd story of a building that spins? If you have, then I have the ride just for you. In Yokohama, Japan there is a roller coaster called the spinning coaster which does exactly that. It is on the roof of a building, …

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Cosmo Clock 21 Giant Ferris Wheel in Yokohama

The Cosmo Clock 21 is a giant ferris wheel in Yokohama, Japan. It was built in 1992 and stands 354 feet tall. It is a short walk from the Sakuragicho train station and it is part of the Cosmo World Amusement park. I decided to go for a ride on it and see what kinds …

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Vanish Roller Coaster in Japan

If you ever find yourself in Tokyo, Japan and are looking for something to do, you should take the subway train over to the Sakuragicho train station in Yokohama. A short walk from the train station you will see a big ferris wheel and at the base of that ferris wheel is a roller coaster …

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Orion Beer Towel

I received an Orion Beer towel as a gift. The towel is awesome because, not only does it have a cool design with beer and a whale shark, but it is also a reminder of the time I spent in Okinawa. I don’t exactly remember the whole story from when I went and visited the …

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Dwight D. Eisenhower Executive Building

While walking over to the White House I passed by the Dwight D. Eisenhower executive building. I really liked the architectural detail in building. It certainly was worth snapping a couple photos.

Impeach Trump Sticker

While walking down the street in Washington D.C. I happened to see a sticker stuck to a lamp post that said, “tRUMP is an ASS IMPEACH THE PUTIN PUPPET” D.C. is a pretty liberal city, however I’m curious as if these liberals actually think things through. In the event of Donald J. Trump being impeached, …

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George Washington Statue

Walked through the George Washington University Campus in the Foggy Bottom area of Washington D.C. and passed by this statue. I felt it wouldn’t be right to pass by a statue of one of the greatest leaders in American history and not capture a photo of the moment I had.

Scenery Along the California Pacific Coast Highway

Since I will probably never make the drive again in my lifetime, here are photos I took of different sights, scenery, signs, and other miscellaneous things along the California Pacific Coast Highway 1 between Los Angeles and Monterey. I was told that the views are just absolutely gorgeous and I guess for California standards they …

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Hearst Castle

Driving north on California Pacific Coast Highway 1 I saw a sign for the Hearst Castle so I decided to stop and check it out. I took some photos as I walked around, but once I saw the price of the tickets to look at some dead, rich, people’s house, I quickly knew this was …

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Bubble Gum Alley in San Louis Obispo

I heard about this alley in San Louis Obispo called the bubble gum alley because people go there and stick pieces of gum to the wall. For whatever reason that I cannot explain now, I knew that I had to see this. When I got there it was about mid day and unfortunately for me …

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Retro Revolution in Fremantle, Australia

Are you ready for the party of all parties? Well here it is, 5 old school DJ’s from the 90’s & beyond for one night of fun. SONICSSS GLOBAL NETWORK has rounded up Metro Freo’s original 90’s resident DJ’s Steve Spinner & Steve Barrington along with DJ Birdie, Dean Charles & Dave ‘3D’ Ward for …

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San Diego Duck Boat Tours

Around San Diego, California you may see some tour vehicles that have a seal painted on the side of them. The tours use duck boats and they drive around on land and then they drive right into the water to cruise over and check out some sea lions or seals in the San Diego bay. …

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Landing at Salt Lake City

I was trying to figure out what that black spot was.  Is it a swage pond?  Is it a solar panels?  Whatever it is, it is pretty big in size. For the first time in my life I took a flight that landed in Salt Lake City, Utah. I’ve never been to Salt Lake City …

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Sea World Sea Turtles

Here are some photos of sea turtles and some fish that you can see in the tanks at the sea world in San Diego, California.

United States Capitol Building

My last night in Washington D.C. I wanted to make the most of my time, so I went over to the Capitol building to get as many photos as I could. When I got home I sorted through my photos trying to choose the best of each angle I was able to get a clear …

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Sea World Aquarium Fish

Here are some images of different types of fish found at the Sea World Aquarium.

Sea World Dolphin Show

The dolphin show at Sea World, San Diego was a lot of fun. At the beginning of the show this guy came out to get some crowd participation and he sang some songs and made everybody laugh. The next part of the show the dolphin trainers came out and told everybody what they do at …

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Venus Fly Trap Eats Crickets

For the first time in my life I have a Venus Fly Trap for an office plant. Yesterday I was thinking that I want to see my plant eat some bugs so I did a little Internet search and found out that I can buy baby crickets from any Petco store. After work I drove …

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