Visited the World War II Memorial and took some photos around the memorial.
Category: Events
Washington Monument at Night
Here are some photos that I was able to shoot of the Washington Monument at night. I tried getting a couple different perspectives that would compliment the photos from my previous post of the Washington Monument during the day. If you notice in the background of the photos you will see the Lincoln Memorial and …
The White House at Night
During my last night stay in Washington D.C. I made the most of the remaining time I had there and went over to the White House to take some night photos. I wanted these photos to give a night perspective of the previous post I made which showed the White House during the day. I’ve …
Lincoln Memorial
Walked to the Lincoln Memorial and gasp at the massive size. After thinking about it, I realized that it is quite fitting for how much impact Abraham Lincoln made on shaping the United States as a country. Above Abraham Lincoln’s head it reads as follows: “IN THIS TEMPLE AS IN THE HEARTS OF THE PEOPLE …
Too Much Monday Morning Excitement
Over the weekend I bought a new pot for my office plant and today I got the plant nicely situated in its new home and then low and behold a bug climbed in through the window and volunteered to be the first bug eaten by the Venus fly trap. What a great way to start …
Orca Encounter Sea World San Diego
I went to the Orca Encounter show at Sea World in San Diego, California. The show has been changed as PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) has protested Sea World numerous times and also the movie Black Fish has portrayed Sea World in a negative light. For me Sea World is doing nothing …
Naval Air Station Coronado North Island
While passing by the Naval Air Station on Coronado North Island I was amazed by the helicopters that were sitting on the ground and getting worked on. From my understanding these helicopters are used to assist the Navy Seals in completing their missions. Even if it is from afar it is pretty awesome to think …
Valley of Fire
The Valley of Fire is located outside of Las Vegas, Nevada. It has spectacular views because the surrounding mountains are brown, but the Valley of Fire has a reddish tint to it. It must be because there is more iron in the dirt there. It is quite a site to see and in case you …
Hand of Faith and Robin’s Gold Nuggets
The Golden Nugget casino located on Fremont Street in Las Vegas has on display the “Hand of Faith” and Robin’s gold nuggets. These two golden nuggets were both found in Australia. The Hand of Faith nugget weighs in at a whopping 61 pounds 11 ounces. Wow! It is difficult to believe this huge nugget was …
Pawn Stars
I was in Las Vegas, Nevada and decided to stop in on the Pawn Stars, t.v. show on the History channel, 24 hour pawn shop to see what it was like. To my surprise the pawn shop wasn’t very big, but it seemed to have a selection of old equipment, toys, art work, cartoons, comic …
Griffith Observatory
Last weekend I wanted to hike Mount Lee so I could get some photos behind the Hollywood sign. On the way up there I parked near the Griffith Observatory. The observatory was pretty cool because it is located high on a hill which I’m sure gives some spectacular views of the night sky. Here are …
Hollywood Sign Hike
Last weekend I hiked up Mount Lee to the Hollywood sign. Before I left I did my research about where to park and how long of a hike it would be. To my surprise some of the information was incorrect. The hike was supposed to be only a 3 mile round trip hike, it ended …
Donald J. Trump’s Presidential Address to Congress
Tonight I watched the Presidential address to congress and I have to admit that it was one of his better speeches. He didn’t seem to spew much of the rhetoric we heard on the campaign trail, but rather seemed to focus on what it would take to make America great again. One of my favorite …
第89回アカデミー賞授賞結果 / Oscars Winners 2017
【作品賞】 「ムーンライト」 【監督賞】 デイミアン・チャゼル「ラ・ラ・ランド」 【主演男優賞】 ケイシー・アフレック「マンチェスター・バイ・ザ・シー」 【主演女優賞】 エマ・ストーン「ラ・ラ・ランド」 【助演男優賞】 マハーシャラ・アリ「ムーンライト」 【助演女優賞】 ヴィオラ・デイヴィス「フェンシズ」 【長編アニメ映画賞】 「ズートピア」 【短編アニメ映画賞】 「ひな鳥の冒険」 【脚本賞】 ケネス・ロナーガン「マンチェスター・バイ・ザ・シー」 【脚色賞】 バリー・ジェンキンズ、タレル・アルヴィン・マクレイニー「ムーンライト」 【撮影賞】 リヌス・サンドグレン「ラ・ラ・ランド」 【美術賞】 デヴィット・ワスコ、サンディ・レイノルズ・ワスコ「ラ・ラ・ランド」 【音響編集賞】 「メッセージ」 【録音賞】 「ハクソー・リッジ」 【編集賞】 ジョン・ギルバード「ハクソー・リッジ」 【視覚効果賞】 「ジャングル・ブック」 【歌曲賞】 City of Stars 「ラ・ラ・ランド」 【作曲賞】 ジャスティン・ハーウィッツ「ラ・ラ・ランド」 【衣装デザイン賞】 コリーン・アトウッド「ファンタスティック・ビーストと魔法使いの旅」 【メイク・ヘアスタイリング賞】 「スーサイド・スクワッド」 【外国語映画賞】 インド「セールスマン」 【短編実写映画賞】 「シング」 【長編ドキュメンタリー賞】 「O.J:メイド・イン・アメリカ」 【短編ドキュメンタリー賞】 「ホワイト・ヘルメット -シリアの民間防衛隊-」