Category: Events

Bixby Bridge – Big Sur, California

As I drove up the California Highway 1 today, I decided to stop and take some photos of the Bixby Bridge. The Bixby creek bridge was opened in 1932. It is one of the tallest single-span concrete arch bridges in the world. It is located in Monterey County and is part of the California State …

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Elephant Seals Near San Simeon

As I drove up California Highway 1, I stopped off at a beach near San Simeon to check out some elephant seals. Being that I’ve never seen elephant seals before, I didn’t know what to expect. First off they are very dramatic. They are always making noise and getting into fights where it looks like …

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Evening View of Point Loma

Here is a photo of the beautiful view of Coronado Island and Point Loma in San Diego, California.

Slices of Early History

Here are some old photos that are wonderful slices of history.  The descriptions are below each photo. The rural kids in the 50’s rode bikes to school.  You took whatever path was best for you.  Bullet holes in the sign? Camping out in 1918. This was the 30’s, and this sharecropper’s son was working behind the …

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Kansas Highway Patrol Officer Traffic Stop Story

Story from a Kansas State Highway Patrol officer: I made a traffic stop on an elderly lady the other day for speeding On U.S. 166 Eastbound at Mile Marker 73 just East of Sedan, KS. I asked for her driver’s license, registration, and proof of insurance. The lady took out the required information and handed …

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Great Old West Black and White Photos

Here are some shots from the era of the “Old West”. (captions are below each photo) Theodore Roosevelt and John Muir in Yosemite. Two men most responsible for the Nation Parks we have in California. William Sydney Porter, aka O. Henry. Teller at First National Bank, Austin, 1891-1894. Man, look at that fancy woodwork done …

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San Diego Padres Face-off Against the Saint Louis Cardinals

Today the San Diego Padres are facing off in game one of a three game series with the Saint Louis Cardinals Major League Baseball game. I went down to Petco Park to partake in the festivities. Here are some of the photos from my experience. Spoiler alert: The Padres beat the Cardinals 4-1 tonight. It …

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Ocean Beach Hippie Van

Today I was driving through Ocean Beach in San Diego, California and I saw a hippie van with a couple of hippies inside of it. I thought it was interesting enough to take a photo of. I can’t read everything, but I think the front of the van reads, “Feel the sun. Love the moon.”

Leninade – Get Hammered and Sickled in California

What the heck is happening in the super markets in California? I was in the super market and I came across a beverage called “Leninade” and their slogan is “Get hammered and sickled.” How the heck did something like this make its way into super markets in the United States? What kind of self-loathing, democratic, …

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Funny Sign at the Sea Life Aquarium

I was at the Sea Life Aquarium and I saw this sign. The way the sign shows a finger pointing at a fish with a line through it and then the outside fish has a sad face, it looks like the sign is saying, “Don’t point at the fish. It hurts their self esteem.” Maybe …

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Sea Life Aquarium Carlsbad, California

One of the attractions as part of Legoland in Carlsbad, California is the Sea Life Aquarium. Here are some of the photos I took while I was there.

Photos From a Day at Legoland California

Enjoyed a nice spring day at Legoland in Carlsbad, California. Here are photos from my experience.

Historical Old Photographs

Here’s some more great old historical photo‘s. The photo descriptions are below the photos. Here is the way they parked cars in NYC during the 1930’s. Righting the overturned hull of USS Oklahoma at Pearl Harbor, 19 March 1943. A worker helping to build the Empire State Building in the 1930’s, during the Great Depression …

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Ocean Beach Hippies Unite!

Only in California will you see signs to call meetings with hippies. This photo was taken at Ocean Beach in San Diego, California in front of the library.

Extremely sharp 100+ Year Old Pictures of the United States

These photos of life in the US at the beginning of the 20th century are truly a walk back in time. The first photo below looks the same today and many of you have entered it on the way to NY. The third photo shows how trolley cars were air conditioned in the summer. The …

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DJ Tiesto Billboard on Hollywood Boulevard

I was walking down Hollywood Boulevard at night and looked up to see a DJ Tiesto billboard for Hakkasan in Las Vegas.

Hollywood Walk of Fame Stars – 2nd Shoot

I went to Hollywood boulevard and took some more photos of the Hollywood Walk of Fame in Los Angeles, California. Here are the photos of the different stars I took pictures of.

This is the end Folks Oscars 2016

This is the end Folks!

The Red Carpet Oscars 2016

Here is the red carpet.

The Oscars 2016 第88回アカデミー授賞式

今年のホストはクリス・ロックです。 最多ノミネート作品は、レオナルド・ディカプリオ主演の「The Revenant レヴェナント」で、 次に多かったのが日本でも大ヒットした「マッドマックス怒りのデス・ロード」です。 ディカプリオは初オスカーを手にするかが注目されていますね。 シルベスター・スタローンは1977年にロッキーで主演男優賞にノミネートされて以来だそうです。 長編アニメーション部門で「思い出マーニー」がノミネートされていますね。 受賞すれば千と千尋の神隠し以来の快挙だそうです。 大ファンという訳ではないし詳しくもないのですが、 なぜかアカデミー授賞式前夜に2年連続で訪れてしまったハリウッド。 折角なので写真を撮ってきました。授賞式準備のためにスタッフが働いていました。 去年よりあまり飾り付けされていない印象です。相変わらず人は沢山いました。

Jimmy Kimmel Live Oscars 2016

Maybe Jimmy Kimmel would talk about the oscars later. Maybe Matt Damon will actually get on the show tonight. Good luck Matt!

The El Capitan Theatre Oscars 2016

The El Capitan Theatre looks like it’s nice.

Dolby Theatre Oscars 2016

The Dolby Theatre right in the middle of the oscars.

El Capitan Oscars 2016

I’m pretty sure the El Capitan is full because of the oscars.

Hard Rock Cafe at Oscars 2016

There’s the Hard Rock Cafe near the oscars.

Hey look it’s the Oscars 2016

Hey look it’s the oscars 2016!

A Neat Mirror Chandelier at Oscars 2016

This is a cool mirror chandelier thing I’ve found walking around the oscars

Cool Red Oscar 2016

This Oscar is Red with embarrassment for being the only guy wearing his birthday suit.

Elephant 2016 Oscars

Even the elephant wants to see the oscars.

Shrek at 2016 Oscars

I hope I get to see Shrek at the Oscars!

2016 Academy Awards Man of the Hour

Here is the man of the hour.