Category: Events

Step 14. Rock 105.3 FM Experience Step-by-step – Take Photos

Hang out at the studio until the end of The Show, snap some photos, thank the Rock 105.3 team and head out of the studio.

Step 13. Rock 105.3 FM Experience Step-by-step – Interview About Local Event

Here is an interview about a local dirt bike riding event happening in the local desert.

Step 12. Rock 105.3 FM Experience Step-by-step – Dario’s Spanking Story

Dario, the intern, telling a story how a manager at his 2nd job inappropriately touches his rear when nobody else is around.

Step 11. Rock 105.3 FM Experience Step-by-step – Brooks Interview

Time for an interview with Brooks.

Step 10. Rock 105.3 FM Experience Step-by-step – Shown up by New Donuts

A new person shows up with more donuts. I was shown up. Who invited these guys? They get their photos taken. Check out those new donuts sitting next to Thor.

What’s on Thor from San Diego’s Rock 105.3 FM’s Desk?

Thor from San Diego’s Rock 105.3 FM KIOZ Radio Station has a The Kumachan Sticker.

Step 9. Rock 105.3 FM Experience Step-by-step – Talking About the Weather

Talking about how the guest host on The Show this week was Dagmar from NBC News 7 in San Diego, however she couldn’t be here today because she has to report that it is actually raining in San Diego today. Who would have thought? Here is the video from that.

Step 8. Rock 105.3 FM Experience Step-by-step – The Show Continues

The show continues on after the break. Eddie and Ashlee talk and Eddie and Thor talk. Ashlee comes back into the studio.

Step 7. Rock 105.3 FM Experience Step-by-step – Commercial Break and Donuts

Welcome to the 1st commercial break. Since I was invited to the studio this morning I thought it would be nice to bring donuts in for everybody. What a nice gesture for them being nice enough to let me come visit.

Step 6. Rock 105.3 FM Experience Step-by-step – The Show Begins

Next I’m told the rules. Don’t make noise while they are on the radio. Turn cellular phone or iPhone to silent mode. Taking pictures is ok. Laughing is ok. Have fun and enjoy. It is time to move into the recording studio and time for The Show to begin.

Step 5. Rock 105.3 FM Experience Step-by-step – Ashlee’s Studio

I start taking photos of Ashlee’s Studio.

Step 4. Rock 105.3 FM Experience Step-by-step – Cast Members

I was escorted into a room where I waited and I see Thor, Ashlee, and Eddie from San Diego, Rock 105.3 FM KIOZ waiting for The Show to begin. The Show starts at 6:00 AM. Time is getting close.

Step 3. Rock 105.3 FM Experience Step-by-step – Front Door

I walked through this door.

Step 2. Rock 105.3 FM Experience Step-by-step – Parking Spot

I parked in this parking spot.

Step 1. Rock 105.3 FM Experience Step-by-step – The Building

I drove down to this building at 5:35 AM today.

My Rock 105.3 FM San Diego Experience

Today I was invited down to Rock 105.3 FM radio station to hang out with the cast of the talk morning show called, “The Show” I will do my very best to share my entire experience with you. I must say that this was an awesome experience to be a “P1,” which I found out …

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Best Wednesday Ever!

This morning I was driving to work and listening to The Show on Rock 105.3 FM. One of the topics that was being talked about was the California sever drought going on right now. I attempted to call into the Show and all I kept getting was a busy signal. So I decided to write …

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Blizzard Entertainment

A couple of months ago, I decided to go for a drive and I made my way over to Irvine, California. While there I stopped at Blizzard Way and took some photos of Blizzard HQ. Here are my photos from that. For the horde!

Corvette Diner San Diego

Went to the Corvette Diner today. This place was pretty neat because it has a throwback vibe about it and there are plenty of games for both kids and adults to enjoy. It was a fun experience and I snapped the following photos while I was there.

Las Vegas Billboards

This weekend I decided to drive on over to Las Vegas to check out the action. Along the way I snapped photos of some of the billboards with awesome DJ’s. Calvin Harris is playing at Omnia nightclub at Caesar’s Palace. Hardwell is playing at Hakkasan at the MGM Grand. And DJ Tiesto is playing at …

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One Night in Vegas

Took a first time trip over to Las Vegas, Nevada. Took photos along the way and took photos of different things while I was there for the one night. Here are those photos.

Photos of Drive Between California to Las Vegas, Nevada

I drove over to Las Vegas along I-15 and along the way I took some photos to show what the countryside looks like. Here are those photos:

Hollywood Squares

Q.. Paul, what is a good reason for pounding meat? A. Paul Lynde: Loneliness! (The audience laughed so long and so hard it took up almost 15 minutes of the show!) Q.. Do female frogs croak? A. Paul Lynde: If you hold their little heads under water long enough. Q. If you’re going to make …

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Photos of Poway, California

Today I went on an adventure and ended up at Poway. This is a cool little town in the California countryside. It has old style trains, buildings, and has a western feel about it. Here are photos of that experience.

Deer Crossing

I live in a semi-rural area. We recently had a new neighbor call the local township administrative office to request the removal of the Deer Crossing sign on our road. The reason: “Too many deer are being hit by cars out here! I don’t think this is a good place for them to be crossing …

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Liquor Store Robber

Arkansas: Seems this guy wanted some beer pretty badly. He decided that he’d just throw a cinder block through a liquor store window, grab some booze, and run. So he lifted the cinder block and heaved it over his head at the window. The cinder block bounced back knocking him unconscious. Seems the liquor store …

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Record Store Robber

A pair of robbers entered a record shop nervously waving revolvers. The first one shouted, “Nobody move!”. When his partner moved, the startled first bandit shot him.

Corner Store Robber

A guy walked into a little corner store with a shotgun and demanded all of the cash from the cash drawer. After the cashier put the cash in a bag, the robber saw a bottle of Scotch that he wanted behind the counter on the shelf. He told the cashier to put it in the …

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Speed Trap

A motorist was unknowingly caught in an automated speed trap that measured his speed using radar and photographed his car. He later received in the mail a ticket for $40 and a photo of his car. Instead of payment, he sent the police department a photograph of $40. Several days later, he received a letter …

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Bank Robber

A man, wanting to rob a downtown Bank of America, walked into the Branch and wrote this, “Put all your muny in this bag”. While standing in line, waiting to give his note to the teller, he began to worry that someone had seen him write the note and might call the police before he …

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Boeing Aircraft Raft

Early this year, some Boeing employees on the airfield decided to steal a life raft from one of the 747’s. They were successful in getting it out of the plane and home. Shortly after they took it for a float on the river, they noticed a Coast Guard helicopter coming toward them. It turned out …

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