I took a bus from Nakhonratsima, otherwise known as Korat, to Bangkok, Thailand. Here are some photos I took of the countryside while I was riding the bus.
Category: Events
Ratchapruk Hotel in Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand
In Nakhon Ratchasima Thailand, or Korat for short, there is the Ratchapruk hotel. You can see the Main Street the hotel is on and the front of the hotel. Below are photos of the view out of the back of the hotel. It shows the what the surrounding area looks like in this spread out …
Fishing Charter Boat – Oahu, Hawaii
Took a fishing charter boat out and when I wasn’t fishing I took some photos. Here are those photos. One neat thing about this fishing trip was that there was a mother whale and 2 calves. The mother showed the calves how to breach 1 time and then after that those calves kept breaching. It …
Thanksgiving at Eskan Village
Have you ever contemplated the experience of U.S. service members deployed abroad during the holiday season? Such contemplation brings to light the Thanksgiving observance at Eskan Village, situated 22 miles outside Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in the aftermath of the September 11th terrorist attacks. Ironically, the sole genuine turkey present was a mere display piece, with …
Welcome to Eskan Village Saudi Arabia
I was sent on temporary duty to Eskan Village in Saudi Arabia. Eskan is located 22 miles southeast of Riyadh and it was originally built for the bedouin in 1983, however when the Saudi government built the village they did not accommodate the livestock so the bedouin’s turned down the use of the buildings. In …
Waiting Out a Typhoon in Okinawa
Typhoons are a rather common occurrence in Okinawa, Japan during the months of April through November. Usually when there are typhoons you just wait it out by staying indoors as most businesses will be closed. This can be a very long and boring time. Sometimes the typhoons can even last up to a week or …
First Thai Kickboxing Experience
While in Thailand for joint military exercise Cobra Gold I took the opportunity to see a live Muay Thai kickboxing event. During the event they started out with the lower weight classes and worked their way up to the main event fight. From my observations the lower age and weight class fighters were primarily just …
Deutsches Haus
After a 12 hour shift and then a 1 hour bus ride back to the hotel, during Cobra Gold 2000 in Nakhon Ratashima, Thailand I enjoyed going out to a local restaurant called the Deutsches Haus. It was owned by the nicest German man named George. George would cook up some good food, sing karaoke, …
Welcome to Thailand
This is my first time ever to Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand I took a couple photos looking out of my hotel room window to see what Korat had to offer. Then I decided to go for a walk to see for myself. While walking down the street there was a guy riding an elephant, so I …
Explosive Ordinance Disposal
While at Ali Al Salem air base in Kuwait my commander was an ex-Explosive Ordinance Disposal (E.O.D.) person so he asked me if I wanted to go out and watch EOD blow some things up. That’s how I was afforded the opportunity to go out with EOD and watch them blow up 24 sticks of …
Radio Tower View of Ali Al Salem Air Base
The view of Ali Al Salem Air Base from the radio tower. This definitely gives a bird’s eye perspective of what it was like on this base. You may notice a swimming pool in the photos. The swimming pool was only 3 feet deep and the main reason it was there was because it was …