This is what a 50 caliber Baret looks like and this is what it looks like when you are aiming at a bad guy through a scope. These photos were taken at Ali Al Salem air base in Kuwait.
Category: Events
Ali Al Salem Tent City
While deployed to Ali Al Salem air base in Kuwait I was afforded the wonderful opportunity to go camping in the desert 39 miles away from the Iraqi boarder. The United States Air Force was ever so kind as to setup tents with air conditioning. It was so hot in the desert that if you …
Air Force Predator Aircraft
During my time at Ali Al Salem air base in Kuwait it was common occurrence to see the Air Force Predator aircraft. This plane is pretty cool because it is an unmanned aircraft and has virtually a lawnmower engine to power it. There was a lot of debate between different types of pilots about if …
Hardened Aircraft Shelter at Ali Al Salem
Here are some photos of the hardened aircraft shelter’s (HAS) at Ali Al Salem air base in Kuwait. The story behind the HAS was that they were built by the French and they were designed with 10 foot reinforced concrete. Apparently the French who built them for the Kuwaiti’s sold them as being bomb proof. …
Welcome to Ali Al Salem Air Base, Kuwait
After 34 hours of flight travel I finally arrived at Ali Al Salem Air Base in Kuwait. This base was 39 miles from the Iraqi boarder. Here are a few photos of C-130 aircraft with a photo of the base out of the back of a C-130. Just a few of the things I saw …
Okinawa Dragon Boat Race
Went to watch the dragon boat races at Tomarin in Okinawa. This was a pretty neat event. There were teams with Okinawan people from different places and there were also teams from different military bases in Okinawa. It seemed as though they were building friendships through friendly competition while experiencing some of the Okinawan culture.
Habu Sake (Snake Rice Wine)
I went to the botanical gardens in Okinawa with some friends to see a Christmas light event that was going on. While there I was walking through a gift store and saw this Habu sake. In Okinawa, “Habu” means snake and sake is Japanese rice wine. So you literally buy a bottle of wine that …
Welcome to Keesler Air Force Base
Upon completion of Basic Military Training I flew from San Antonio Texas, to New Orleans, Louisiana where I caught a bus to Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, Mississippi. I will be at Keesler for the next 16 weeks while attending technical training and learning how to do the job I signed up to do …