Category: Events

Don’t be a Thug

Kyle Rittenhouse Claims to Know CPR

Rittenhouse Trial Hypothetical

What’s Kyle Rittenhouse Getting for Christmas?

Can’t Fire in a Crowd of Liberals

The Rittenhouse Trial Prosecutor Handing a Gun

Kyle Rittenhouse is the 2021 Champion

When You Tell Chicks You Have Toilet Paper

In Memory of Thomas Clark and Robert Finley

One hundred forty years ago was the shootout at the OK corral in Tombstone, Arizona. This plaque is dedicated in memory of Thomas Clark and Robert Finley by the McLaury family & friends.

The Great Wall of China Near Jinshanling

This was my first trip to the Great Wall of China. I decided I was going to take as many photos as I could because I don’t know if I’ll ever be back. These photos were taken in Jinshanling near the Zhuanduo Pass. I took a few panoramic views of the area and here they …

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Jeff Bezos Launches into Space Aboard New Shepard Rocket

Proud Father on Graduation Day

Yonghe Lamasery Beijing, China

Went to the Yonghe Lamasery, otherwise known as the Lama Temple, in Beijing, China. I took a ton of photos and sorry this post has so many of them, but I’m pretty sure I will not be coming back so I wanted to share the photos from my experience.

How to Fix the Stuck Cargo Ship in the Suez Canal

How the News has Changed

Beijing is Showing Signs of Spring

Prince Harry and Megan Markel Receive Stimulus Check

Granny is Yet to be in an Accident

Amazing Actions Video

It must have taken a lot of practice to make this video.

Bigger Turkey

Prostitution in China

In China prostitution is considered a highly despicable act and therefore prostitutes resort to underground methods to prevent being caught. Instead of handing out fliers you can find business cards stuck to the sidewalks to make it not very obvious for patrons to find their contact information. Here is a photo of one of those …

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Change is in the Autumn Air

Boothill Grave Yard Outside Tombstone, Arizona

Walked around the Boothill graveyard in Tombstone, Arizona. Upon paying to enter I received the map and then I was free to walk around. They also said that people have been known to see ghosts here. I was not one of those who saw a ghost, however one thing I realized while walking around is …

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Guangzhou Airport Military Property Sign

While walking through the Guangzhou airport in China I happened to notice this sign. So I quickly snapped a photo of it and then translated it to find out it said, “Military Property.” That kind of explains why there were cameras around this area. Hopefully nobody will come looking for me.

Marine Gets Married to Bride in a MAGA Dress

Vote for Donald Trump 2020

Amish Support Trump

Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson Call Donald Trump Racist

A Look Back at Tough Times

No One Will Call it a Man Purse

Things to See Around the Barringer Meteor Crater

When first walking up you can see the meteor crater in its entirety, but for a closer view you need to walk to the observation deck. While walking out to the observation deck you can see some Moenkopi Sandstone. From the observation deck at the Barringer Meteor Crater near Winslow, Arizona there are some telescopes …

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