If you are ever in Las Vegas and craving a good bowl of ramen, Monta Ramen is a pretty good place to start.
Category: Food
The Fremont Street Experience at Night
Walking down Fremont street in Las Vegas is what they like to call the Fremont Experience. This experience has it all. It has everything from lights, drinks, casinos, street performers, zip lines, legal drugs, stores, gambling, live music, a large array of lights overhead, food, gold nuggets, hotels, it has everything. The only question is, …
Curry House CoCo Ichibanya Irvine, California
ココイチカレー、たまに無性に食べたくなる味。特に海外だと恋しく感じる。 CAには4店舗あるらしく、アーバイン店に行ってみた。 日本に住んでいた外国人にも人気があり、この味を求めて来るお客でいっぱい。 週末のお昼時は行列が出来ていた。 中国系と韓国系のレストランやショップに囲まれたショッピングセンター内にその店舗はあり、駐車場が無料なのがありがたい。 当たり前ですが英語のメニュー。辛さ・ご飯の量・トッピングを選べて比較的に日本とあまり変わらない。店員は地元の学生さんっぽい。 オーダーも英語のみ。でもアメリカにしてはサービスが良く、 注文するとすぐにカレーが運ばれてきたし、お水もすぐにお代わりを聞いてくれた。 でも店員さんを呼ぶあのチャイムがあったら便利なのになぁ〜。 肝心の味は「これよ!これ!」と安定のお味。 量は多いので食べきれず持ち帰れるか聞くと、To-Go Boxを持って来てくれた。 アメリカ式自分でやりなさいのあのお弁当箱だ。 値段はチップ料金が掛かるので日本より少々高く感じた。 お子様セットのお菓子はオレオクッキー♪ CoCo ICHIBANYA USA
The Future is Here
Hello…is this Gordon’s Pizza? No sir, it’s Google Pizza. I must have dialed a wrong number. Sorry. No sir, Google bought Gordon’s Pizza last month. OK. I would like to order a pizza. Do you want your usual, sir? My usual? You know me? According to our caller ID data sheet, the last 12 times …
Tacos El Gordo
Ever since I arrived here in San Diego, California people have told me that San Diego has great Mexican food and tacos. So I decided to give it a try. A couple people recommended that I go to Tacos El Gordo because they are the closest you can get to tacos in Tijuana, Mexico. Upon …
Orion Beer Towel
I received an Orion Beer towel as a gift. The towel is awesome because, not only does it have a cool design with beer and a whale shark, but it is also a reminder of the time I spent in Okinawa. I don’t exactly remember the whole story from when I went and visited the …
Bubble Gum Alley in San Louis Obispo
I heard about this alley in San Louis Obispo called the bubble gum alley because people go there and stick pieces of gum to the wall. For whatever reason that I cannot explain now, I knew that I had to see this. When I got there it was about mid day and unfortunately for me …
True Food Facts that will make you say “Whaaaaat?”
Did you know? 1. A strawberry isn’t a berry but a banana is. 2. Avocados and watermelon are berries, too. 3. Cashews grow on trees like this: 4. And Brussels sprouts grow in long stalks like this: 5. Chocolate milk was invented in Ireland. 6. Ketchup used to be sold as medicine. 7. Carrots were …
Boar’s Head Handcrafted Sandwich
I was at the supermarket and I saw a Boar’s Head turkey sandwich that looked pretty good. Now, although this sandwich did taste as good as it looked, one thing I didn’t notice until I opened it because the sandwiches were standing vertically was the huge lettering at the bottom that said, “Handcrafted.” As I …
Leninade – Get Hammered and Sickled in California
What the heck is happening in the super markets in California? I was in the super market and I came across a beverage called “Leninade” and their slogan is “Get hammered and sickled.” How the heck did something like this make its way into super markets in the United States? What kind of self-loathing, democratic, …
Julian Pies
「ジュリアンのパイは美味しいよ〜」との噂を聞いたので行ってみた。山側へドライブして雪が見たかったというのもある。勝手にジュリアンというレストランがあるのだと思っていた。着いてみたら多くの観光客が各レストランの前に並んでいた。駐車するのも一苦労だった。ジュリアンは小さな町で、レストラン・ホテル・お土産やさんが連なっており、ちょっとした観光地だった。パイ屋さんも数件あったが、JULIAN PIE COMPANYというベタな名前の長蛇の列に並んでみた。数種類のパイとクッキー、マフィンやドーナッツ等があった。$1.95の追加料金でホイップクリーム、アイスクリーム、シナモンソース、キャラメル等のトッピングも可能。コーヒーとホットココアの飲み物があり、水は無料だった。小さい店内で正面入り口前と裏にちょっとしたテラス席があり、そこで食べられるようになっていた。スライスとホールの購入レジが分かれていたので、スライスの方に並んだ。ホームメイド・アップルパイにした。一切れが大きくてThe American Pieでビックした。$3.50だった。味は甘さ控えめ。りんごの酸っぱさも適度にあり、おばあちゃんの手作り感満載で噂通りに美味しかった。気に入ったのでホールでも購入($14.95)。冷蔵庫で保存して1週間。食べる前にレンジで軽く温めてアイスを載せると美味しさが増した。普段パイを食べない娘も気に入って毎日のおやつになった。ジュリアンのレストランも美味しいと高評価だったので、機会があれば今度は食事をしに行ってみたい。 We heard ” The pie of Julian is delicious!” We wanted to see snow to mountain side too. so we went to Julian. I thought that there was a restaurant called Julian. But Julian is a small town and good sight-seeing spot. They have many restaurant and hotel and Souvenir …
Famous Beer Quotes
“Long ago, when men cursed and beat the ground with sticks, it was called witchcraft. Today it’s called golf.” -Will Rogers Sometimes, after playing golf, I reflect on all the beer I drink, I feel ashamed. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and all of their hopes …
McDonald’s Burger of the Month
So I was going through a box I have of old stuff from high school and I found these McDonald’s signs for burgers of the month. I can’t believe I still have these things. Before I throw them away I decided to scan them into my computer and share them because the date on these …
Fisherman’s Wharf San Francisco
Today I went to the Fisherman’s and took some different photos of the different things to see around there. Even though there was fog overhead, I think I got some pretty good shots. Some of the things I got to see where the harbor, San Francisco bay, Alcatraz, trolley cars, the Aquarium and the Bay, …