Category: Government

Voting for Donald Trump

Winners Focus on Winning

Democrats Against Donald Trump

Donald Trump’s Zipper

Marine Gets Married to Bride in a MAGA Dress

Difference of Who the POTUS Honors

Liberals Since Trump Has Been in Office

Donald Trump Supporters vs Bernie Sanders Supporters

Donald Trump vs Joe Biden What They Sacrificed

Presidential Candidates Wheels on a Shopping Cart

Donald Trump Has a Message for Communists

Donald Trump Won’t Say It’s the Chinese Virus

Donald Trump Riding All the Way to the White House

Donald Trump Eats Liberal Tears for Breakfast

Donald Trump Triggering Liberals

Triggered Liberal Who’s Your President

Donald Trump is a Better Deal Maker

Donald Trump a President With Balls

Michelle Obama Orange Man Bad

Donald Trump Tells Hillary Clinton a Knock, Knock Joke

We’re Making America Great Again

Michelle Obama vs Melania Trump

Donald Trump is Still Your President

Lesson Learned from the Pandemic

Joe Biden Will Sniff Her Out

Things Donald Trump Stands For

Elected to Get Results

How Republican’s Deny People to Vote

The People’s Champ

Donald Trump Tweets to Liberals

Democrats Show Their Cards