Category: Government

Donald Trump Shows Support for Wildlife

Republicans vs Democrats at Voting

Message to Those Who Said to Injest Disinfectant

Donald Trump Singing to Snowflakes

Joe Biden Sniffs Queen Elizabeth II

Donald Trump Questions Nancy Pelosi

Joe Biden’s Biggest COVID Fear

Russian Influence During Election

Dear Liberals Impeach This

Liberals Are Triggered By Donald Trump

Trump Your Feelings

Calm Down Trump Hater

Trump Haters Winding Down

Trump Haters Support Each Other

Liberals Think Donald Trump is Raping Country

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Opens Mouth to Support Trump

Donald Trump Says Build a Wall

Build a Wall Around Fort Hood

Democrats Call Trump Sexist and Racist

Relaxing After a Long Day of Protesting Trump

Mexican Word of the Day: Defense

If Voting For Trump is Racist

Record Black Employment Under Donald Trump’s Administration

Deport Me Daddy

Donald Trump Has the Best Sombreros

Spanish Word of the Day: Believing

Goodyear Tires Pulling to the Left

What Democrats Promise and What They Actually Deliver

Voting for Joe Biden?

Vote for Donald Trump 2020

Amish Support Trump