Category: Government

Virginia Range Wild Horses to be Slaughtered in Mexico

Will these horses be rounded up shipped to Mexico to be turned in to dog food? Glue? Tacos? If you don’t want this to happen, get involved now.

The 90th Academy Awards are Over

Elvis Has Left the Building at the Oscars. Let the party get started and head over to the Governor’s ball.

Hollywood Loves Trump

Hollywood will never admit it, but they love the Trump brand.

Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri Newest Billboard About Gun Control

Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri Newest Billboard of Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton has committed many atrocities and still needs to be held accountable for her actions.

American’s Are Dreamers Too

American’s are dreamers too. Why does Hollywood and liberals put foreigners before an American?

Jimmy Kimmel Hosts the Oscars Again

Jimmy Kimmel hosts the 90th Academy Awards…again. Let’s hope he keeps the event fun and lighthearted. Let’s also hope that he isn’t such of a liberal political tool. He was so much more funny when he was on the Man Show with Adam Carolla and much less of a political douche that he is now. …

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Security at the 90th Oscars

The stage is set for the 90th Oscars to begin shortly. The security has been tight this year with some enhanced security features as seen by the fake bushes, fences, and drapes to block any unauthorized personnel from being able to see the any of the activities. There is also an entire force of security …

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Coverage From All the Angles

Will it be funny? Will it be political? Will it be for world peace? Will it be to help some third world country? No matter what the angle it is time for Hollywood to start helping to making America Great Again!

TMZ Tours

Is there time to catch a quick tour before the Oscars start?

Oscar Guests Starting to Arrive

Guests are making their way in and getting photos taken on the red carpet. Everybody likes to get their photo taken with a 7 foot tall faux statue.

On the Red Carpet

The red carpet has been rolled out. The curtains have been hanged. The stage is set for the gala event to commence. Join us to for periodic updates about different events throughout the day.

Backstage Look at the Oscars

We were able to get a first hand backstage look at everything that goes into hosting the Academy Awards. It is quite remarkable to see all the people setting up the decorations, walls, lighting, sound, cameras, carpeting, and making sure that everything is in place and ready for the event to go off without a …

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Donald J. Trump Works out a Trade Deal with Kim Jong-Un

Donald J. Trump has worked out a new trade deal with Kim Jong-Un that has many Democrats and liberals steaming mad. I wonder if this will be new topic for Hollywood to bash the President of the United States at the 90th Oscars today.

Democrat Tactic

Democrat Training Camp

Video of a Democrat Training Camp. Take a look at some of these trainees. They certainly fit the bill for to be democrats.

Nancy Pelosi at the State of the Union Address

What was it that was stuck in Nancy Pelosi’s teeth during the State of the Union address? Was it a piece of chicken? Maybe a piece of spinach? Maybe she’s practicing tying a cheery stem with her tongue? Perhaps a piece of popcorn? Whatever it was she spent a great deal of time during the …

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Quantitative Easing Program

Still think Barrack Obama was a decent President?

My Favorite Excuses

Hillary Clinton’s version of what happened in musical format.

California is a Sanctuary State

Watched NBC news tonight only to learn that California has become a sanctuary state. This is not a big surprise since California is probably the biggest liberal state in the union, however California is all about the money and I hope that they will lose federal funding because of this. Whenever a state puts criminals …

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Tale of Two Alligators

Two alligators were sitting at the side of the swamp near the lake. The smaller one turned to the bigger one and said, “I can’t understand how you can be so much bigger than me. We’re the same age; we were the same size as kids. I just don’t get it.” “Well,” said the big …

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Impeach Trump Sticker

While walking down the street in Washington D.C. I happened to see a sticker stuck to a lamp post that said, “tRUMP is an ASS IMPEACH THE PUTIN PUPPET” D.C. is a pretty liberal city, however I’m curious as if these liberals actually think things through. In the event of Donald J. Trump being impeached, …

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George Washington Statue

Walked through the George Washington University Campus in the Foggy Bottom area of Washington D.C. and passed by this statue. I felt it wouldn’t be right to pass by a statue of one of the greatest leaders in American history and not capture a photo of the moment I had.

Political Quotes From Famous People

a man standing next to a body of water

1. In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm, and three or more is a Congress. -John Adams 2. If you don’t read the newspaper you are uninformed. If you do read the newspaper you are misinformed. -Mark Twain 3. Suppose …

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United States Capitol Building

My last night in Washington D.C. I wanted to make the most of my time, so I went over to the Capitol building to get as many photos as I could. When I got home I sorted through my photos trying to choose the best of each angle I was able to get a clear …

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World War II Memorial

Visited the World War II Memorial and took some photos around the memorial.

Treasury Department Federal Credit Union

Here are a couple of photos of the Treasury Department Federal Credit Union located at 1500 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington D.C.

Washington Monument at Night

Here are some photos that I was able to shoot of the Washington Monument at night. I tried getting a couple different perspectives that would compliment the photos from my previous post of the Washington Monument during the day. If you notice in the background of the photos you will see the Lincoln Memorial and …

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The White House at Night

During my last night stay in Washington D.C. I made the most of the remaining time I had there and went over to the White House to take some night photos. I wanted these photos to give a night perspective of the previous post I made which showed the White House during the day. I’ve …

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Lincoln Memorial

Walked to the Lincoln Memorial and gasp at the massive size. After thinking about it, I realized that it is quite fitting for how much impact Abraham Lincoln made on shaping the United States as a country. Above Abraham Lincoln’s head it reads as follows: “IN THIS TEMPLE AS IN THE HEARTS OF THE PEOPLE …

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Washington Monument

I enjoyed a pleasant walk around Washington D.C. I was able to get some good photos from different views of the Washington Monument. To be able to be there, see it, touch it, feel what it is like to be there, and be able to share my experience gives me a warm feeling.