Category: Government

Capitol Building

Washington D.C. is home of many spectacular government buildings. Every time I see the capitol building I’m awestruck with the awesomeness, not only of the building, but also what it represents.

The White House

Went to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue today to take a look at the White House. Here are some photos I took while there. After checking out the White House I happened to notice the National Christmas tree looks like it lost its Christmas spirit.

San Diego Administration Center

Went by the San Diego Administration Center and I liked the architecture so I snapped a couple photos of the building.

The American Health Insurance Situation

The medical community is unable to reach consensus on what to do with America’s health insurance situation. The Allergists were in favor of scratching it, but the Dermatologists advised not to make any rash moves. The Gastroenterologists had sort of a gut feeling about it, but the Neurologists thought the Administration had a lot of …

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Political Dumb and Dumber

Kim Jong Un had no military experience whatsoever before Daddy made him a four-star general. This snot-nosed twerp had never accomplished anything in his life that would even come close to military leadership. He hadn’t even so much as led a Cub Scout troop, coached a sports team, or commanded a military platoon. So he …

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Trump Hotel Las Vegas

While in Las Vegas, Nevada I snapped this photo of the Trump Hotel.

Air Force One’s New Ornament

It has been reported that Air Force One had a new ornament installed in support of Donald J. Trump, the President of the United States, who dares to Make America Great Again!

Signs of the Times

Donald J. Trump’s Presidential Address to Congress

Tonight I watched the Presidential address to congress and I have to admit that it was one of his better speeches. He didn’t seem to spew much of the rhetoric we heard on the campaign trail, but rather seemed to focus on what it would take to make America great again. One of my favorite …

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Goodbye Barrack Obama – Worst President in United States History

Say “Goodbye” to the worst mistake in American history. Your socialist days of trying to turn the United States into a 3rd world country are no more. You will be seen and remembered for what you are…a utter mistake that was pushed into power by the liberal media.

Funny Signs

A sign in a shoe repair store in Vancouver that read: “We will heel you. We will save your sole. We will even dye for you.” Sign over a Gynecologist’s Office: “Dr. Jones, at your cervix.”; In a Podiatrist’s office: “Time wounds all heels.”; On a Septic Tank Truck: Yesterday’s Meals on Wheels At an …

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Democrats Recounting Votes

Democrats have been unhappy with the turnout of the Presidential election and have start to recount.

Kid Rock Understands the 2016 Election

45th President of the United States: Donald J. Trump

That was quite an election and Donald J. Trump will be the 45th President of the United States of America. I didn’t see that coming and it was a surprise to see that he pulled out a win. It definitely shows that American’s don’t agree with Barrack Obama and want to turn the country away …

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The king wanted to go fishing. He called on the royal weather forecaster and inquired as to the weather forecast for the next few hours. The weatherman assured him that there was no chance of rain in the coming days. So the king went fishing with his wife, the queen. On the way he met …

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Working Mammals

Drove over to San Diego to see the pens where the United States Navy holds and cares for dolphins. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that the United States Navy gives these dolphins the very best care that they can give them, but it made me think about if the Navy should be …

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United States and Mexico Border Wall

For those who are angry at Donald Trump for suggesting that he will build a wall to separate the United States and Mexico, have no reason to actually be angry at Donald J. Trump. It will be rather difficult for him to build a wall where there is already a wall that separates the United …

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Bike Lane Bush 2004 Sticker

Today I took a walk and I saw this bike lane sign with a Lick Bush 2004 sticker on it.  It gave me a chuckle, made me wonder if the sticker has been on that sign since 2004 and made me want to take a photo of it.

Things You May Not Know About Donald Trump

Specifications: Donald John Trump, was born June 14, 1946. He will be 70 years old on election day. From the Internet, he is 6’2″ or 6’3′ and weighs between 195 and 200 lbs. He has a full head of blond/brown hair (which is long and elaborately combed) and blue eyes. The Internet tells us he …

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Republican Truck

I stopped by the Ford Dealership in Temecula yesterday, for a look at the new F-150 aluminum pickup. Just for fun, I took it out for a test drive. I wanted to sense that new truck “feel” before they become old. The salesperson, a very nice looking black lady, wearing a “Hillary for President” lapel …

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Hillary Clinton – Hillary-ous

I was a shopping mall today and I saw this hat. Everything about this woman from her joke of a marriage, to her corruption, to her political aspirations. Everything about Hillary is a complete and utter joke. This hat sums all that up.

Leninade – Get Hammered and Sickled in California

What the heck is happening in the super markets in California? I was in the super market and I came across a beverage called “Leninade” and their slogan is “Get hammered and sickled.” How the heck did something like this make its way into super markets in the United States? What kind of self-loathing, democratic, …

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2016 United States Presidential Race Views

I’m an American trying to do my due diligence by paying attention to the political race that has been going on and when I look at the candidates this is what I see. Please be mindful that it is early and I haven’t had all the time in the world to research every candidate out …

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Political Correctness

For the last six odd years, almost all of the things I wanted to write or say, have been stymied by that modern term referred to as ‘POLITICAL CORRECTNESS’.. Although I consider myself reasonably fluent in English, that term was not in my vocabulary. Curiosity got the better of me so I decided to do …

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The Coyote Principle

an animal standing on grass

CALIFORNIA – The Governor of California is jogging with his dog along a nature trail. A coyote jumps out and attacks the Governor’s dog, then bites the Governor. -The Governor starts to intervene, but reflects upon the movie “Bambi” and then realizes he should stop because the coyote is only doing what is natural. – …

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America’s Smartest President

An airplane was about to crash; there were 5 passengers on board, but only 4 parachutes. The first passenger, Holly Madison said, “I have my own reality show and I am the smartest and prettiest woman at Playboy, so American’s don’t want me to die.” She took the first pack and jumped out of the …

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How in the World Did You Get There?

2015 California Drought

You may have noticed in the news lately where the media has been discussing the California sever drought and water crisis. There are commercials that tell residents of California to conserve water and this affects everybody. I have heard that the majority of water consumption for the state of California is between the state government …

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Lone Ranger & Tonto

The Lone Ranger and Tonto went camping in the desert. After they got their tent all set up, both men fell sound asleep. Some hours later, Tonto wakes the Lone Ranger and says, “Kemo Sabe, look Towards sky, what you see?” “The Lone Ranger replies, “I see millions of stars.” “What that tell you?” asked …

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Those Sneaky Marines

Look closely … Keep looking! See it now? You have got to love the Marines.

Presidents Day

I was eating breakfast with my 10-year-old Granddaughter and I asked her,What day is tomorrow?” Without skipping a beat she said, “It’s Presidents Day!” . She’s smart, so I asked her “What does Presidents Day mean?” I was waiting for something about Barack Obama, George W. Bush or Bill Clinton, etc. She replied, “Presidents Day …

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