Category: Holidays

Peanut M&Ms

New Year Wisdom

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter Christmas Video

Snowman Playing Fetch With Dog Comic

Rabbit Tries to Rob Snowmen Comic

Blind Christmas Caroler’s Comic

Santa Wants to Know if This Guy is Serious

Temperature on Thanksgiving

Socially Distant Trick or Treating

Happy Halloween

Asked to Leave the Pumpkin Carving Contest


Happy 4th of July American Independence Day

This year in recognition of the 4th of July, the day Americans celebrate when America got its independence from the British in 1776, I decided to simply post an image of the American flag that was displayed and waving so proudly at the United States Capitol Building.  Happy 4th of July fellow Americans.  Be safe, …

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Swim Up Bar

In Honor of Memorial Day 2020

In honor of Memorial Day 2020, during these trying times of the COVID-19 Coronavirus and social distancing, I took the opportunity to visit the Marine Corps Memorial in Arlington, Virginia.

Police Recruit Question

Irish Flu Shot

In Honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day

In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day I took the opportunity to go over to the Martin Luther King Jr. Monument.  Upon arriving my initial thoughts was that the status is white and there is a couple mountains on both sides that are white with a piece missing where I first walked through to …

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Christmas Story Wise Men

Happy Halloween 2019

Happy Halloween 2019!

Welcome to Tombstone

Welcome to Tombstone, Arizona. During the 1880’s Tombstone was bigger than Los Angeles, California. This bustling town had a lot going on in the old west. There was gambling, prostitutes, cowboys, mining, shootouts, rattlesnakes, and many other ways people could die in the west. Here are some sights you can see around Tombstone.

Memorial Day 2019

Memorial Day is a time to reflect and remember those who are no longer with us, but are not forgotten.  This year I went to Tombstone, Arizona to see a bit of American history that is being preserved at Tombstone.  One of the most famous gun battles of the old west was the shootout at …

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Palm Sunday

Almost Finished Drinking

Happy Thanksgiving 2018

Happiness is a pecan pie on Thanksgiving. Have a very happy Thanksgiving.

Happy Halloween 2018

Wishing everyone a safe and happy Halloween full of ghouls, witches, and superheroes. Scare all those evil spirts out of town.



Memorial Day

In observance of Memorial Day 2018, I digitally modified a photo that I had taken at the Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery. The United States flag, “Old Glory,” is in color and the graves below are monochrome. I’ve given it much thought to the meaning that I was trying to obtain by this and it could …

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2017

Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday season. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Memorial Day 2017

It takes a special kind of person to raise their hand and swear an oath to uphold the ideals that we believe in. Unfortunately some pay the ultimate price and never make it home. Please take time to remember those who have fallen while serving in line of duty and loved ones that are gone. …

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Christmas Decorations 2016

I just felt like taking some photos of some Christmas decorations to catch a little Christmas spirit. Here are a few shots.

Only in Israel

With Hanukkah coming up I thought it would be neat to show some things that you will only see in Israel. A perfect parking job. More Women fly F-16’s in Israel than drive cars in Saudi Arabia. Hasidic family crossing sign. Soldiers who bring their kids to work. Sudoku while swimming in the Dead Sea. …

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