Category: Thoughts

Trump Supreme Court Nomination to Replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg

The world we live in today.

Chart Disputing the Claim That Nazi is Right-Wing

Come to California

Difference Between Having a Brother or Sister

How Much Do You Love Children?

Interesting Fact About Manure

In the 16th and 17th centuries, everything for export had to be transported by ship. It was also before the invention of commercial fertilizers, so large shipments of manure were quite common. It was shipped dry, because in dry form it weighed a lot less than when wet, but once water (at sea) hit it, …

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Mark Zuckerberg Takes Away Free Speech

Smokey the Bear Says Vote Red in November

Obama Phone Isn’t Working

Ted Nugent Speaks About Democrats

“My God, listening to these Democrats and watching the hate on their faces is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen in my 71 years. Every rotten nasty allegation they make against this President is what they are glaringly guilty of themselves! Indescribable rotten humanity! How much more of this runaway corruption and criminal …

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Ozzy Osbourne is More Coherent Than Joe Biden

The Real Confederate Flag

Time Magazine Says Michelle Obama is the Most Admired

Becoming Michelle Obama

Joe Biden Said Integrating Black StudentsWould Turns Schools into a Racial Jungle

Kamala Harris Exploits for Votes

Stormy Daniels Talks About Donald Trump

Joe Biden Clowning Around

Proposed Border Wall West Coast Extension

Joe Biden’s Microphone Isn’t Working

Trump 2020

Donald Trump is in the Way

Democrats Are Not Worthy

Donald Trump’s Preferred Pronouns

Donald Trump is a Patriot

Donald Trump Wait and See

Think Democrats Hate Donald Trump Now?

Winners Focus on Winning

Democrats Against Donald Trump

Difference of Who the POTUS Honors

Liberals Since Trump Has Been in Office