Computer Literate Executives and Information Systems
The purpose of this document is to provide an argument to the question, “As more computer- and information system-literate employees move into executive positions, will executive support systems be needed? Why or why not?” The second part of this document answers the questions, “What special knowledge, other than that found in a course catalog, is needed to advise students about course and degree requirements in a university? Is it explicit or implicit knowledge? Could this knowledge be made available through a knowledge management system? Why or why not?”
When answering the question, “As more computer- and information system-literate employees move into executive positions, will executive support systems be needed? Why or why not?” it is important to know what an executive support system is. An executive support system is a software application that produces reports with metrics for higher-level executives to analyze based on the information provided (, 2004). Many of the reports pull data from different departments such as accounting, staffing, scheduling, and more. With these reports, executives are able to make critical decisions that will best benefit the company for planning or business opportunities that may arise. These decisions should be based on the company’s vision or the direction the company wants to go, using the reports that hold the information about where the company currently stands.
Based on the definition of what an executive support system (ESS) is, one can argue that even though there may be more technologically savvy business executives, there will still be a need for the support system for the company to grow. No matter how big or small a company is, it is important for decision-makers to have a macro view of where the company currently stands. Without knowing where the company is, the business executive or CEO cannot create a plan to achieve the company’s vision. It is the need for knowledge of the company’s current status that necessitates the executive support system. Even though a business executive may be more technologically advanced, they will still need the ESS. However, they may require less support from their local information technology (IT) department. With business executives that are more technologically proficient, the IT department may not need to respond to mundane tasks like helping a user map to a printer or properly set up their email account.
To answer the questions, “What special knowledge, other than that found in a course catalog, is needed to advise students about course and degree requirements in a university? Is it explicit or implicit knowledge? Could this knowledge be made available through a knowledge management system? Why or why not?” it is first important to know the difference between implicit and explicit knowledge. Explicit knowledge is the type of knowledge that can be gained from documents, manuals, and even procedures (Zoltan Dienes, Josef Perner, 1999). Implicit knowledge is the type of knowledge where you consciously or unconsciously process information within your mind. A good way to differentiate the two is that implicit knowledge is something you gain from within, while explicit knowledge is something you gain from an outside source.
Knowing the differences between explicit and implicit knowledge, one can argue that to advise students about course or degree requirements within a university, the majority of the information is going to be explicit and therefore could be made available through a knowledge management system. The majority of information about courses and requirements can be found in a course catalog, and therefore is explicit knowledge. However, the ability to look at each student on a case-by-case basis and determine which path best suits their interests requires experience or implicit knowledge. The vast majority of students should be able to use a knowledge management system to determine their best course in obtaining a degree. By using explicit knowledge, there should be few instances where implicit knowledge is needed.
In conclusion, when trying to determine if an ESS is going to be needed due to businessmen becoming more technologically savvy, and if a knowledge management system would work for a university advising students, it is best to understand what an executive support system is and the differences between explicit and implicit knowledge. Once a person knows what these things are, they can make an argument to support their claim.
1. (2004, October 24th). What is Executive Support System? – A Word Definition From the Webopedia Computer Dictionary. Retrieved August 9, 2008, from What is Executive Support System? – A Word Definition From the Webopedia Computer Dictionary Web site:
2. Zoltan Dienes, and Josef Perner (1999). A theory of implicit and explicit knowledge. Retrieved August 9, 2008, from A theory of implicit and explicit knowledge Web site:
University LAN
The purpose of this document is to provide an increased or basic knowledge of how a university with all aspects of their university connected via the local area network (LAN) would change the educational process. Also included in this document are some examples of how a student can access the school’s information system and what advantages or disadvantages that has on the student’s ability to learn.
A college university with local area network connectivity provided to all areas of the school’s campus greatly increases the student’s ability to learn. By students having access to the school’s information system, they have the ability to know exactly where their standing is with the university. They are also able to take care of any necessary admissions or payment issues they may have with the school to ensure their enrollment. By having online access from anywhere on the school’s campus they have the ability to complete any necessary research for projects they may be working on. Students also have the ability to maintain a two-way form of communication with their instructors at any time.
When a university provides LAN access to a student from anywhere on the school’s campus a student has the ability to take full advantage of the LAN for both learning purposes, but also morale, welfare, and recreation purposes. When a student has downtime or time away from classes and studying a student can stay in touch with family and friends via chat or video applications like Yahoo Instant Messenger, Microsoft Instant Messenger, AOL Instant Messenger, etc. When a student feels confident everything is fine at home, then they completely have the ability to focus their efforts on studying and their minds won’t be worrying about how family or friends are doing at home. Students can take advantage of online blogging, community sites like MySpace or Friendster, or even the school’s different club websites. By doing this they have the ability of meeting new friends and have the comfort of fitting in with other students.
Today’s classrooms have the ability to maintain a multi-dimensional classroom environment for students by allowing students to maintain communication with their instructor from anywhere on campus. Much like in the workplace it is important for a student to know what their instructor expects of them and from the work the student completes. A good way to know exactly what is expected from by an instructor or for an assignment, it is important to maintain full contact with the school’s faculty. Students can use the university’s LAN to stay in touch with the instructor, which could be a problem making an appointment to see a particular instructor only during office hours. The ability to contact the instructor at anytime from anywhere on campus provides the means for a student to not only maintain a lasting bond with the instructor, but also give the student the opportunity to address any issues they may have with the course or understanding of the course material ( When an instructor chooses to maintain communication with their student, they have the ability to encourage the student to perform their best. University’s LAN’s provide the means for students to stay in contact with their instructors which will benefit them now and for years to come.
Library’s and computer labs help students to have information and knowledge at their fingertips. School library’s can be limited at the selection of material they may have and computer labs can become congested or too busy for everyone to have full access anytime they need. Using the school’s LAN provides a cost effective way for both the school and the student to have full access to both a computer system and any reference material the student may need. Information is always changing or being updated, schools may have magazines and journals which can become dated, by having online access to magazines or journal subscriptions the university can provide a wider variety of material for a student.
Although a school’s LAN can provide many advantages, there are still instructors who are not very computer savvy, for these instructors the school’s classroom can still be the primary means for shaping young minds. Not everybody is in tuned with technology and they may still want face-to-face interaction with students. For these less technologically savvy instructors, they can still provide minimal communication during non-office hours by checking e-mail or even holding specific chat times, but the rest of the time the instructor may prefer addressing any of the students concerns during normal hours.
In conclusion, when a university provides a LAN in which can be accessed from anywhere, this provides another dimension to how students can maintain full interaction with the university and their instructors. The benefits to the school’s LAN are not isolated to just benefitting students, instructors will greatly benefit as well. When a school provides a positive environment for both students and instructors the school becomes a much more efficient place to learn.
1. Faculty-Student Contact: 7 Principles Collection of TLT Ideas. Retrieved August 7, 2008, from Faculty-Student Contact: 7 Principles Collection of TLT Ideas Web site: [URL Removed Broken link]
2. Robert Michaelson, and Jeffrey Garrett (2005). Library Briefings: Advantages of online-only Fall 2005. Retrieved August 9, 2008, from Library Briefings: Advantages of online-only Fall 2005 Web site: [URL Removed Broken link]
Estimating Business Investment
The purpose of this document is to provide an increased or basic knowledge of how automating the business by using computers and applications has advantages and disadvantages. Also included within this document is a plan to estimate the return on investment for automating the business, as well as, a determination of automating the business will allow employees to be more productive. Finally estimation will be made to the benefits of automating the business versus the investment cost.
Business automations help make a business run more efficiently, effectively, easily, and prevents duplication of efforts. Prior to automation, if a CEO wanted to write a memorandum and get it out to all of the employees they would have to type the memorandum, print as many copies as there are employees and then either route the document or physically go an give it to each individual. With automation they can simply type the memorandum into an e-mail and send it to everybody and ensure everybody has received it within seconds. This not only is faster and more efficient, but it is also paperless, which is good for the environment as well. Automation helps the company run smoother and effectively by giving everyone within an organization access to information within seconds, which used to take minutes, hours, or even days previously. Not only can people have access to information within seconds, but also security can be put into place that ensures only authorized personnel have access to the data when they need it (, 2008). Business automation helps a business run more efficient in order to provide a better product or service.
Continuously improving products and services are necessary for any business to grow and in order to improve products or services there are many tasks that need to happen in between such as: update mailing lists, process orders, administrative paperwork, etc (Lopez, 2005). When a business is trying to determine weather they should consider the total amount of time it takes an employee to manually perform the tasks that want to be automated. Once that number has been counted, the next step is to consider the total cost of automating the business. Once those two numbers have been calculated the total return on investment can then be determined. For example: if it takes 1 employee 8 hours a day of performing tasks manually at $20/hour then the total cost is $80 a day to perform the business tasks manually. Next if the total cost of 10 computers is $20000 plus another $10000 for network equipment then we know the total cost is $30,000 for all necessary computers and networking equipment. Although it may look cheaper to perform the tasks manually we calculated for just one day. The total cost for an entire year is $29,200. It is clear that within a little over 1 year the automation equipment will have completely paid for itself. The total return on investment is definitely worth the initial cost of purchasing the equipment.
1. (2008, May 7th). – Computer Security Division – Computer Security Resource Center. Retrieved August 10, 2008, from – Computer Security Division – Computer Security Resource Center Web site:
2. Lopez, Marcos (2005, December 5th). Why Automating your Business could be very Profitable. Retrieved August 9, 2008, from Why Automating your Business could be very Profitable Web site:
Computers and Functions
The purpose of this document is to provide an increased or basic knowledge of a computer and what types of functions are necessary to be present in order for a piece of hardware to be considered a computer.
A computer is a piece or multiple pieces of hardware that have the ability to respond to a specific set of instructions in a well-defined manner, as well as, having the ability to execute a predefined set of instructions (, 2008). Computers have many different uses, but ultimately computers are a technology, which allow users to complete simple or complex tasks in a timely manner. Computers play a role in many aspects of everyday life anywhere from: banking, hospitals, transportation, energy, military, and even NASA. No matter what the use is of a computer, the basic functions of what defines a computer as a computer, the criterion is still the same.
When the question is asked if a microwave is a computer, by definition, the answer is, “no.” When comparing a computer to a microwave the initial thought would be that a microwave is a computer, however when looking at the two by definition, it is apparent that a microwave is not computer. A microwave does have a predefined set of instructions, however it does not have the ability to execute code. Many people may argue that you can program a clock on a microwave and the application used to program the clock is an application, however those are stored values, they are not predefined instructions. Your thoughts of checking your email or over-clocking your microwave in order to cook your food faster just are not going to happen. Microwaves are tools that can be used to allow a user to complete a simple task, but they fall along the lines of furniture or electronics rather than computers.
In conclusion, when comparing a computer to a microwave, they may have a lot of similarities, but they cannot be defined as a computer. Microwaves do not meet all the necessary criteria to be considered on the same computing level as a computer. Until the time that microwaves are programmed to run more complex applications and actually execute a predefined set of instructions, otherwise known as a program, microwaves can still be found in the electronics department of your nearest department store.
1. What is computer? – A Word Definition From the Webopedia Computer Dictionary. Retrieved August 3, 2008, from What is computer? – A Word Definition From the Webopedia Computer Dictionary Web site:
Information Systems Within Business
The purpose of this document is to provide an increased or basic knowledge of businesses and types of employees within business. Also included within this document are types of information systems within a business. Finally a determination is made if the employee’s position could be replaced by an information system.
Within many aspects of today’s business there is a need for information technology and information systems. The evolution of this technology has made many businesses operate faster and more efficient. Information systems have play a vital role in making business operations run more efficient, not only for the business, but also in accommodating the customer. In some aspects of business, information’s systems have replaced human positions in which people assisted the customer. The evolution of technology both benefits many companies and customers by allowing the business to operate more smooth and efficiently.
Within the airline industry, United Airlines has utilized information systems to aid many of their positions. A few positions that utilize information systems are: service desk clerks, baggage personnel, and even weather personnel. Service desk clerks utilize information systems by inputting customer data into the information system and also querying the information system to ensure seats on an airplane and also flights are available when the customer needs them (, 1999). Once information is inputted into the information system, customers are able to utilize the World Wide Web to query information within the information system. A good example of this is by a customer using the Internet to check how many frequent flier miles they may have on the airline’s website. Even though information systems have made service desk clerks jobs easier, I do not believe the information system could possibly replace the customer service representatives position because the customer service representative needs to address every individuals needs on a case by case basic in order to best assist the customer. Baggage personnel are other employee’s within the airline, which use the information system. When a customer checks in for a flight they check their baggage and their baggage is inputted into the information system. The baggage personnel use the information system to route the baggage to the correct flight or they even query the information system in the event of a lost baggage to track the bag and reroute it to the correct destination (Nice). Baggage personnel also cannot be replaced by the information system because they are still needed to physically carry the baggage and load it onto the aircraft. Weather personnel not only use information systems, but their jobs depend on the information system heavily. Weather personnel are able to receive feeds from multiple sources to verify the most ideal path of travel for a particular aircraft, then they relay this information to pilots for planning the best route of travel. Although the information system plays a major role in weather personnel’s jobs, I do not believe a weather person will be able to be completely replaced by the information system because in the event of an emergency the weather personnel have to be able to follow contingency operations to direct the pilot accordingly in order to safely operate the aircraft.
In conclusion, information system play a vital role in many businesses, however there are still positions that information systems still cannot completely replace. Information systems make many personnel’s jobs easier and they pass information onto both employee’s and customer’s, but the information systems are not intelligent enough to perform actions that people can perform.
1. (1999). Information Systems – Useful Cases. Retrieved August 5, 2008, from Information Systems – Useful Cases Web site: [URL Removed Broken link]
2. Nice, Karim Howstuffworks “How Baggage Handling Works”. Retrieved August 6, 2008, from Howstuffworks “How Baggage Handling Works” Web site: [URL Removed Broken link]
Golfing Nun Cursed
A nun walks into Mother Superior’s office and plunks down into a chair; she lets out a sigh heavy with frustration. ‘
What troubles you, Sister?’ asked the Mother Superior, ‘I thought this was the day you spent with your family.’
‘It was,’ sighed the Sister, ‘and I went to play golf with my brother. We try to play golf as often as we can. You know I was quite a talented golfer before I devoted my life to Christ.’
‘I seem to recall that,’ the Mother Superior agreed. ‘So I take it your day of recreation was not relaxing?’
‘Far from it,’ snorted the Sister. ‘In fact, I even took the Lord’s name in vain today!’
‘Goodness, Sister!’ gasped the Mother Superior, astonished. ‘You must tell me all about it!’
‘Well, we were on the fifth tee…and this hole is a monster, 540 yard Par 5, with a nasty dogleg left and a hidden green…and I hit the drive of my life. I creamed it. The sweetest swing I ever made. And it’s flying straight and true, right along the line I wanted‚Ķand it hits a bird in mid-flight not 100 yards off the tee!’
‘Oh my!’ commiserated the Mother. ‘How unfortunate! But surely that didn’t make you blaspheme, Sister!’
‘No, that wasn’t it,’ admitted Sister.
‘While I was still trying to fathom what had happened, this squirrel runs out of the woods, grabs my ball and runs off down the fairway!’
‘Oh, that would have made me blaspheme!’ sympathized the Mother.
‘But I didn’t, Mother!’ sobbed the Sister. ‘And I was so proud of myself! And while I was pondering whether this was a sign from God, this hawk swoops out of the sky and grabs the squirrel and flies off, with my ball still clutched in his paws!’
‘So that’s when you cursed,’ said the Mother with a knowing smile.
‘Nope, that wasn’t it either,’ cried the Sister, anguished, ‘because as the hawk started to fly out of sight, the squirrel started struggling, and the hawk dropped him right there on the green, and the ball popped out of his paws and rolled to about 18 inches from the cup!’
Mother Superior sat back in her chair, folded her arms across her chest, fixed the Sister with a baleful stare and said…’You missed the fucking putt, didn’t you?
E-Tail and Retail Stores
The purpose of this document is to provide an increased or basic knowledge and a comparison of online and retail stores. Also included in this document is a comparison of how buying a product online differs from buying a product from a retail store and which products are better suited to be sold online as opposed to through a retail store.
When trying to determine whether a product should be bought in a retail store an online store it is important to know if the type of product and if it meets certain standards. Products, which are created to meet international standards, can easily be bought online as opposed to going into a retail store. Retail stores are ideal for products in which a buyer might not know about the particular product. If a buyer knows about a particular product it may be more feasible for them to buy the product through an etail store.
Retail stores provide an ideal environment for customers whom are unsure about a product and may need to physically touch and assess the product. Products like clothing, linens, shoes, foods, and decorative items are examples of products in which they may be better for a customer to look, touch, and decide upon the correct product for them. Products, which are based upon customer comfort, also may need to be seen and felt by the customer. Retail stores allow customers to decide which product is right for them by allowing the customer to try on clothing, shoes, or even lie down upon a bed to determine which mattress feels right to the customer. Retail stores also provide an environment in which a customer can talk with a representative or even other customers in attempt to determine which is the best product or which certain products may have that another does not. Many retail stores also try to entice a larger customer base by creating coupons, having sales, or providing other special offers that provide a benefit for physically visiting a store. It is also not uncommon for retail stores to have an etail store to further expand their customer base or even provide a means for a customer who knows what they want or do not have any of the particular retail stores near them to go online and make a purchase. Retail stores provide an environment for customers to touch, feel, smell, taste, and even ask questions about a product in order for the customer to make a determination about which product is the right product.
Etail stores provide technological environment in which is ideal for customers who do not need to touch and feel a product in order to determine what they want or just may want to make a purchase from the comfort of their own home. A couple good examples of products, which may be best suitable for customers to buy though an etail store as opposed to a retail store, are products like computer or even automotive parts. These products might be best suited for the etail environment because the products are manufactured to adhere to both computer and automotive standards. When a customer wants a 3Ghz dual processor, 2 Terabyte hard drive, or even a ceramic bearing turbo booster for their car, they can buy it online and know exactly what they are getting by either knowing or looking up the standards of the product they are intending on buying. Sometimes etail stores are better to buy from due to discounts they may have on shipping to a customer, by providing specials like this can entice customers to do more online shopping. Online stores have advantages like they are more secure, cheaper to maintain, and they are open 24 hours a day/7 days a week (Matyjewicz, 1999). Other times online stores are idea to make purchases through instead of going to a store and fighting crowds that may be in the store during peak seasons like Thanksgiving or Christmas (Stoller, 2007).
In conclusion, there are different reasons for which type of store is more ideal, however I believe that when a customer knows what they want or do not want to deal with crowds of stores it is more of an advantage to use the services of an etail store. When somebody wants to look at a product and perhaps try it on in the event of purchasing clothing it may be best to go into an actual brick and mortar store to assess the products. If a customer might have an idea what they want, but do not know the specifics about a particular product and they need to talk with an expert about the product it may again be more beneficial to go into a retail store to get the assistance in which is required.
1. Matyjewicz, G (1999). The E-Tailer’s Digest – Issue your resource for retail on the Net. +++ S P E C I A L R E P O R T +++ “eTail ‚Äò99 ¬≠ Online Retail Conference” — A summary of the conference by George Matyjewicz. Retrieved July 24, 2008, from The E-Tailer’s Digest – Issue your resource for retail on the Net. +++ S P E C I A L R E P O R T +++ “eTail ‚Äò99 ¬≠ Online Retail Conference” — A summary of the conference by George Matyjewicz Web site:
2. Stoller, C (2007). Will Retail Sync with E-tail for Holiday Season?. Retrieved July 24, 2008, from Will Retail Sync with E-tail for Holiday Season? Web site: [URL Removed Broken link]
Aloha Hawaii, Konnichiwa Japan
Well, there comes a time in everyone’s life where you come to a fork in the road on your path to the future. My road has came to that fork and I have chosen to move to Japan. For the past seven years Hawaii has been an o.k. place to live, but it wasn’t exactly my ball of wax. People of Hawaii are very proud of Hawaii and that works for them, but for me there is many more things to see and do, so now the time has come to say goodbye. The people I have worked with have been fantastic and I can only hope that I will have the opportunity to work with people as awesome as the ones I have worked with for the past 3 years.
I am moving to Tokyo, so that should give me the opportunity to share, not only more stories on this website, but also new adventures, photos, and anything else I might find interesting along the way. Keep checking back, share your adventures, and aloha Hawaii!
Words Women Use:
1.) FINE: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.
2.) FIVE MINUTES: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five Minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.
3.) NOTHING: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.
4.) GO AHEAD: This is dare, not permission. Don’t do it!!!
5.) LOUD SIGH: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to #3 for the meaning of nothing.)
6.) THAT’S OKAY: This is one of the most dangerous statements a woman can make to a man. That’s okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
7.) THANKS: A woman is thanking you, do not questions, or faint. Just say you’re welcome.
8.) WHATEVER: This is a women’s way of saying F*@K YOU!
9.) DON’T WORRY ABOUT IT, I GOT IT: Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking, “what’s wrong”, for the woman’s response refer to #3.
Golf Sign in Arizona
Here is an actual sign posted at a golf club in Scottsdale, Arizona:
Drunk Walks Out of a Bar
A drunk walks out of a bar with a key in his hand and he is stumbling back and forth. A cop on the beat sees him and approaches “Can I help you sir?”
“Yessh! Ssssomebody ssstole my carrr” the man replies.
The cop asks “Where was your car the last time you saw it”
“It wasss on the end of thisshh key” the man replies.
About that time the cop looks down and sees the man’s weiner hanging out of his fly for all the world to see.
He asks the man “Sir are you aware that you are exposing yourself?”
Momentarily confused, the drunk looks down at his crotch and without missing a beat, blurts out………”Holy crap! My girlfriend’s gone too!”
New Wiper Blades
I got a new set of wiper blades on my car. I think they might be too long because they hang over the edges a little, but I don’t care, they work great. I would have to say that they are the only blades I have ever had that I actually like to watch. It’s hard to keep my eyes on the road sometimes. Call me crazy, but lately I have been driving around non-stop with them on. I’ve even been pulled over and the cop asked to go for a ride so he could watch them work. They were outrageously expensive, but safety is my main concern and like I said, they work great.
Bobby Ray and Susie May Getting Down
Bobby Ray and Susie Jane were fooling around out in the cornfield when Bobby Ray said, “Oh Susie Jane, I am getting so horny, you just have to let me have some.”
Susie Jane said, “Well, maybe I will, but it is going to cost you a quarter.”
Bobby Ray dug down in his pocket and said, “Susie Jane, I only got ten cents, and you just have to let me do it for ten cents.”
Susie Jane said, “Ain’t no way I am goin to do it for no ten cents, I said a quarter.”
Bobby Ray said, “I tell you what Susie Jane, how about you just give me ten cents worth?”
Susie Jane said, “You must think I be crazy, cause you know you won’t stop when I say you got ten cents worth.
Bobby Ray said, “Oh Susie Jane, I promise, I promise I will stop when you say I got ten cents worth.”
So they get down between two rows of corn and start going at it.
After about a minute, Susie Jane said, “Bobby Ray, BOBBY RAY” and he said, “Oh Susie Jane, now don’t tell me I have got ten cents worth already”, and she said, “Bobby Ray, do you see that big cornstalk over there on your left side? And Bobby Ray said, “Uhuh.” And she said, “Bobby Ray, do you see that big cornstalk over there on your right side?” Bobby Ray said, “Uhuh.”
Susie May said, “BOBBY RAY, you better grab ahold of those two big cornstalks, cause I’m a fixin to loan you fifteen cents”.
Information Systems and Users
The purpose of this document is to provide an increased or basic knowledge of how users interact with information systems by utilizing input and output devices, computer performance factors, network performance issues, and correlating them to the online virtual campus.
When viewing the American Intercontinental University online virtual campus system as an information system, it is important to realize there are different components of the system and how they tie together. One key component to the online virtual campus is that users need input and out devices and what types there are in order to access and use the campus. When using the virtual campus it is important to know what type of information system it is, i.e. application software or system software. It is also instrumental to know that when users access the information system what components of their hardware devices as well as their network connections affect the performance of the information system. Finally it is important to know which data needs to be managed within the information system.
In order to know what types of input and output devices are necessary to interact with the AIU virtual campus it is good to know what the differences between input and output devices are as well as how they are used. A definition of an input device is anything that can be used for the interaction between the real world and the computer world. This means devices such as keyboards, mice, microphones, cameras, and even some security devices to gain access to a computer such as a biometric device. Output devices are any type of device that is used to communicate information from a data processing system to a user in the real world. Some examples of output devices are monitors, speakers, and printers. When a user attempts to log into the information system they use an input device such as a keyboard to type in their logon credentials. The information system then verifies their credentials to their security policies in order to ensure the user is authorized to access the system. The information system processes the requested data and sends it back to the user and displays it on the users output device i.e. monitor. The use of input and output devices is how users interact with an information system in order to retrieve the desired results.
Is the AIU online virtual campus an application software or system software? To best understand weather the AIU virtual campus is application software or system software it is important to know what the difference is between the two. Application software is a piece of software that uses the capabilities of the system software in order to produce the tasks and results the user wishes to perform. System software is software that is involved with incorporating the computer’s capabilities, but does not always apply them to tasks that directly benefit the user (2008). A good example of the difference between software application and system software would be to say an example of a software application is a light bulb. An example of system software would be to call it a power plant. It is possible for the power plant to produce energy in the form of electricity that may not affect the user until an application for the energy is needed, like turning on the light switch for the light bulb. With knowing the differences between application software and system software it is apparent that the AIU online virtual campus is application software.
There are different devices that can affect the performance at which an information system is accessed or information is processed within the information system. One of the 1st and foremost devices, which directly affect the way information, is accessed or processed is the type of connection being used to access the system. For example if a student is on the online virtual campus via the campus Gigabit Ethernet network, the performance is going to be much greater than a user who is thousands of miles away using a 56Kbps dialup modem. High bandwidth connections are not always needed as within the dated mainframe systems that would have a 9.6k dumb terminal directly connected to it. This dumb terminal could product results quicker than the high bandwidth Gigabit Ethernet connection due to it being directly connected to the system it was processing data from. Another key aspect to the performance of an information system is the amount of Random Access Memory (RAM) on the system. Random access memory is a volatile memory that is in the form of integrated circuits that are used to store information. When the RAM on a system is completely full, the computer system will then start to write information to the local hard drive as an additional memory, this is called swapping (Alex, 2003). Although swapping may be good the system is intelligent enough to use other components as additional memory, it does greatly affect the performance of the system.
Since we know the AIU virtual campus is a system application, how users access that system, and what components affect the performance of the system, there is one last thing to know about and it is definitely the most important thing. The most important and most valuable thing that pertains to any information system is the information or data itself. On any network or any information system, if one component fails it is recoverable, however if data is lost this is not recoverable, except by recreating the data. The AIU virtual campus consists of different components within the application system, but the most important is the database, which contains all of the information. Databases are an integral part of information systems, not only because they store the data, but also because users can query the data to produce specific results. For example if a user wanted to look up information about John Doe, they would query the database for any instances of Doe, John and then they could filter the information down to the dates John Doe attended the school, what types of grades the student received, mailing address, and any other pertinent information to the student. Databases within information systems store the most valuable information for that information system.
In conclusion, the AIU online virtual campus is a software application that runs on a computer system. The input and output devices are how users interact between the real world and the computer world. Their network connections as well as their computer bus speed, and the amount of RAM in their computer can all directly affect the performance of how a user interacts with the information system. When a user interacts with the information system what they are really doing is querying a database in order to produce the results the user was looking for. Out of any of the entire information system the data contained within the database is the most important and needs to be protected and managed accordingly.
1. (2008). System software Definition: TechEncyclopedia from TechWeb. Retrieved July 23, 2008, from system software Definition: TechEncyclopedia from TechWeb Web site:
2. Alex, P (2003). Computer Performance factors. Retrieved July 23, 2008, from Computer Performance factors Web site:
New Cowboy Boots
An elderly couple, Margaret and Bert, moved to Texas, 
Bert always wanted a pair of authentic cowboy boots, so, seeing some on sale, he bought them and wore them home. 

Walking proudly, he sauntered into the kitchen and‚Ä® said to his wife, ‘Notice anything different about me?’‚Ä®‚Ä®
Margaret looked him over. ‘Nope.’‚Ä®‚Ä®
Frustrated, Bert stormed off into the bathroom, undressed and walked back into the kitchen completely naked except for the boots. Again he asked Margaret, a little louder this time, notice anything different NOW?’‚Ä®‚Ä®
Margaret looked up and exclaimed, ‘Bert, what’s different? It’s hanging down today, it was hanging down yesterday, it’ll be hanging down again tomorrow!’‚Ä®‚Ä®
Furious, Bert yelled, ‘AND DO YOU KNOW WHY IT’S‚Ä® HANGING DOWN, MARGARET?’‚Ä® ‘Nope’, she replied. ‚Ä®‚Ä®
Without changing her expression, Margaret replied, ‚Ä® ‘Shoulda bought a hat, Bert. Shoulda bought a hat.’
Robot Lie Detector
John was a salesman’s delight when it came to any kind of unusual gimmick. His wife Marsha has long ago given up trying to get him to change. One day, John came home about noon and told Marsha that he had gone to a nearby city and purchased a Robot. It was no ordinary robot, but it was in fact a Lie Detector. He said it had to charge 4 or 5 hours, and then he would show her how it worked.
At 5:30 that afternoon, Tommy, their 12 year old son, came in from school, nearly 2 hours and 15 minutes late. Both parents were understandably angry.
‘Where have you been? Why are you over 2 hours late getting home?’, they asked.
‘Oh a bunch of us went to the library to work on an extra credit project,’ said Tommy. The Robot walked around the table and slapped Tommy, knocking him completely out of his chair.
‘Son, this robot is a lie detector, now tell us where you went after school.’
‘Uh, we went to Bobby’s house and watched a movie.’
‘What did you watch?’, asked Marsha.
‘The Ten Commandments.’ The Robot went around to Tommy and once again slapped him, knocking him off his chair. With lip quivering, Tommy got up, sat down and said, ‘I am sorry I lied. We really watched a tape called Sex Queen.’
‘I’m ashamed of you Son,’ said John. ‘You know, when I was your age, I never lied to my parents, never tried to see dirty pictures much less dirty movies, told dirty jokes, nor did I misbehave.’ The robot walked around to John and delivered a blow that not only knocked him out of his chair, but out the back door and half way across the patio.
When he came back inside, Marsha was bent double laughing, almost in tears. ‘Boy, did you ever ask for that one! And you know, you can’t be too mad at Tommy—after all, He is your son!’ The Robot immediately walked around to Marsha, and literally slapped the tar out of her.
Dusty Underwear
One evening a husband, thinking he was being funny, said to his wife “Perhaps we should start washing your clothes in Slim Fast. Maybe it would take a few inches off of your butt!!” His wife was not amused, and decided that she simply couldn’t let such a comment go unrewarded.
The next morning the husband took a pair of underwear out of his
drawer. “What the Hell is this??” he said to himself as a little “dust” cloud appeared when he shook them out.
“April,” he hollered into the bathroom, “Why did you put talcum powder in my underwear?”
She replied with a snicker…”It’s not talcum powder……It’s ‘Miracle Grow’.”
Buried at Sea
Bubbles and Barbie, two blonde sisters had promised their Uncle, who had been a seafaring gentleman all his life, to bury him at sea when he died. Of course, in due time, he did pass away and the two blondes kept their promise.
They set off from Clearwater Beach with their uncle all stitched up in a burial bag and loaded onto their rowboat. After a while Bubbles says, ‘Do you think we’re out far enough, Barbie?’ Barbie slipped over the side and finding the water only knee deep said, ‘nope, not yet Bubbles’.
So they row a little farther…. Again Bubbles asks Barbie, ‘Do you think were out far enough now? Once again Barbie slips over the side and almost immediately says, ‘No, this will never do, the water is only up to my chest.’
So on they row and row and row, and finally Barbie slips over the side and disappears. Quite a bit of time goes by and poor Bubbles is really getting worried when suddenly Barbie breaks the surface, gasping for breath she says, OK, it’s finally deep enough. Hand me the shovel.’
Lil’ Johnny Strikes Again…
Teacher asks kindergarten students what kind of medicines they know and what they are used for.
First pupil: “Tylenol?”
Teacher: “Very good! And what is it used for?”
Pupil: “It is used for headaches”
Second pupil: “Nytol Teacher”
Teacher: “Excellent. And what it is used for?”
Pupil: “To help you sleep”
Now it is Johnny’s turn and he says: “Viagra”
Teacher, slightly shocked: “Johnny, What do you think is it used for?”
Johnny: “It can be used for diarrhea”
Teacher: “Who told you this?”
Johnny: “Nobody, but every evening my mother tells my father …”Take a Viagra, maybe that little shit will get harder.”
Two Prostitutes – $50.00
Two prostitutes were riding around town with a sign on top of their car which read: ‘Two Prostitutes — $50.00.’
Suddenly a passing patrol officer spotted the sign displayed on the top of their car, stopped them, and warned them they’d either have to remove the sign or go to jail.
About that time, another car passed by, with a sign saying: ‘JESUS SAVES.’
One of the girls asked the officer, ‘How come you don’t stop them?!’
‘Well, that’s a little different, ‘The officer smiled…,’Their sign pertains to religion.’
So the two ladies of the night frowned, and taking down their sign drove off.
The following day found the same patrol officer, in the area when he noticed the same two ladies driving around with a large sign on their car again. Figuring he had an easy arrest, he began to catch up with them, when he noticed that there was now a new sign which read:
Two Fallen Angels Seeking Peter — $50.00
How to Tell the Sex of a Fly
A woman walked into the kitchen to find her husband stalking around with a fly swatter.
“What are you doing?” she asked.
“Hunting Flies” he responded.
“Oh. Killing any?” she asked.
“Yep, 3 males, 2 Females,” he replied.
Intrigued, she asked; “How can you tell them apart?”
He responded, “3 were on a beer can, 2 were on the phone.”