Tag: 89th Academy Awards

Pan for Gold

Hollywood should learn how to get real gold. Here is a kit to get them started.

Oscars – Fool’s Gold

Some chase real gold, other’s chase fool’s gold.


惜しくも作品賞を逃した最多14部門でノミネートされていた「ラ・ラ・ランド」ですが、 監督賞、主演女優賞、撮影賞、美術賞、作曲賞、歌曲賞と6部門で授賞しました。


  作品賞は「ムーンライト」 でもその前に一波乱。 最初「ラ・ラ・ランド」が呼ばれ関係者一同がステージに上がり「ありがとう」スピーチをしている最中に 何やら後ろがザワザワ怪しい雰囲気に。 「これは間違いだ。「ムーンライト!君達がベスト作品賞だ。これはジョークじゃない」 とオスカーベスト作品賞が書いてある封筒を掲げて発表。 バックステージで封筒の渡し間違いがあったそうだ。 長い歴史の中で1度もなかった前代未聞のミス! なんだか落ち着かないままで、2017年のアカデミー賞授賞式は幕を閉じました。

The End of the 89th Academy Awards

We leave you with these images as the Oscars come to a close.

Dolby Theater

The Dolby Theater is such a nice venue to hold the Oscars.

Interview for the Oscars

Walking in front of the Chinese Theater there was an interview going as they were walking down the street for the Oscars.

Stage is set for the 89th Academy Awards

Checks and double checks have been done in preparation for the 89th Academy Awards.

Security at the Oscars

This year security was tight at the Oscars. They blocked off sections that were open for the last couple of years. There were more drop cloth to keep things more hidden than usual.

Meryl Streep Wins Oscar for What?

Spoiler Alert: Meryl Streep wins an Academy Award because Hollywood are a bunch of douches who liked her rant about Donald Trump. Talk about an over rated actress!

Are the Oscars Prerecorded?

Yesterday I went to Hollywood to take some photos before the Oscars that are to start today at 4 PM Pacific time. This morning I woke up and watched Jimmy Kimmel Live at 8 AM, but his show is supposed to be live after the Oscars. How did he have recordings of people walking the …

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