The Flag That Inspired a Nation: The Raising of the Colors on Iwo Jima

On February 23, 1945, amid the brutal battle for Iwo Jima, a moment of triumph was captured in a single photograph that would become one of the most iconic images in American history. After days of relentless fighting against entrenched Japanese forces, a group of six U.S. Marines reached the summit of Mount Suribachi, the …

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Stalingrad: The Battle That Broke Hitler’s Back

1943 marked a defining moment in World War II with the conclusion of the Battle of Stalingrad. This brutal, months-long siege ended in a decisive Soviet victory, shattering the myth of Nazi invincibility and turning the tide of the war in favor of the Allies. The battle, which began in August 1942, saw relentless urban …

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Attack on Pearl Harbor Remembrance

This year for the remembrance of the attack on Pearl Harbor here is the quote from Harry S. Truman from the World War II memorial in Washington D.C.

A Look Back at Tough Times

German Enigma Machine

This is a four rotor Enigma machine that was created by German around the time of 1943-1944.  Germany built this rare Enigma for its ally, Japan.  You can tell by both the character and the fourth rotor.  Germany was unaware that Britain had cracked the Enigma they added the fourth rotor in 1942 to strengthen …

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Smithsonian D-Day Normandy IMAX

Watched an IMAX movie about D-Day Normandy at the Smithsonian Museum of Air and Space.

Historical Old Photographs

Here’s some more great old historical photo‘s. The photo descriptions are below the photos. Here is the way they parked cars in NYC during the 1930’s. Righting the overturned hull of USS Oklahoma at Pearl Harbor, 19 March 1943. A worker helping to build the Empire State Building in the 1930’s, during the Great Depression …

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